
Kellogg’s Chocolate Krave cereal

Cereal is a staple for me. Every day, every morning, a bowl of the stuff with some almond milk, and usually a sliced banana. It’s delicious, and light enough to let me go to the gym after without weighing me down or feeling sick. So, needing a change from my usual (love you, Cinnamon Pecan Special K <3) I wanted something to channel my inner child. Something sugary, something chocolatey, something new.

What fit the bill? New Krave cereal!

I’ll admit. The whole “K” in place of “C” kind of bothered me. A lot. I always have this internal resentment when companies spell things wrong on purposely, whether it’s supposed to be cute or creative or not. It bothers me, because I’m nuts about spelling, and when people spell things incorrectly. It happens. And…I bought it anyway.

In the ride home, I grabbed a handful. I almost always try a new product right when I get it. Why I couldn’t wait for the drive home beats me, but hey, I was also hungry.

First I looked at the size. Tinier than I expected. For some reason I had mini-wheat sized squares oozing with chocolate filling in my head. What I got? Not so much. More of the size of my fingertip, with a very slight chocolate filling (aka barely any).

However, just because the inside wasn’t oozing, didn’t mean the chocolate flavor wasn’t there. These little guys were crunchy, sweet, and had a milk chocolate flavor.

In fact….I felt like I’ve eaten this before. WHAT did this taste like? I ate more and more trying to figure it out, but couldn’t. It wasn’t until I threw the box to my brother and had him try some that he said “these taste like Cookie Crisp” that the lightbulb went off in my head.

A-HA!!!! COOKIE CRISP! So if you are a fan of that cereal, you’ll love this one. Chocolatey, yet hint of vanilla, and that salty sweet flavor going on as well. I think they are WAY too sweet for a morning cereal (I tried, and instantly put it back in my pantry) but for snacking, they are delicious! I didn’t even need milk, and I just ate them straight from the box.

I know what you’re thinking. Surely this cereal is full of fillers and yuck and yadda yadda this and yadda yadda that. WRONG! I hope you are pleasantly surprised. The ingredients aren’t half bad!

YES, sugar is listed before whole grain oat flour which is a bit of a letdown, but I’ll let it slide….for now.

So, all in all, 4 stars. Yum!

And the nutritionals…

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3 thoughts on “Kellogg’s Chocolate Krave cereal

  1. “Surely this cereal is full of fillers and yuck and yadda yadda this and yadda yadda that. WRONG! I hope you are pleasantly surprised. The ingredients aren’t half bad!”

    I’d say they’re great. Less sugar than most fruits have, and chocolate. What’s not to like 🙂

    Did you even try them in milk? The chocolate coating really gets a lift!

  2. hahha well I would never compare the sugar in fruit to sugar in a granola bar, but they are tasty. Ill have to try them in milk!

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