Source Never fear- I am alive!!!!! SORRY for the mad delay. I promise for more regular posts- have had a very hectic past few weeks but I am officially back 🙂 Today’s review…CHOBANI! You all know how much I freaking love Chobani. One a day, minimum, with top flavors (in my opinion at least) being Pineapple, Strawberry Banana, Peach and […]
Chobani Flip Honey Low-Fat Yogurt with Banana
I love when I see new things in the store. It’s like a prize for my taste buds (and often a deficit in my wallet…). SO, buying my weekly stash of CHO, I found the Chobani Flip Honey Low-Fat Yogurt with Banana. SO is this not greek yogurt? GASP! :O It does say “low-fat” on the container, but there is […]
Kashi Banana Chocolate Chip Soft n’ Chewy Bar
YES! I love new products. And I opened my mailbox the other day to  find this, I was really excited to try it. Banana is one of my favorite flavored things (REAL banana, not fake yucky banana), and combined with chocolate and natural ingredients Kashi uses? Count me in 🙂 Here’s the “box” it came in with a few facts. […]
Corazonas Banana Walnut Oatmeal Square
I have a confession. I’m obsessed with banana flavored things. Banana bread, banana ice cream, banana yogurt (yes! they make it!). I DONT like fake banana (aka laffy taffy) but real banana flavored things I absolutely adore. Which, go figure, I find weird because I’m not all that crazy about bananas themselves. Hmm. So, I got this free Corazonas Banana […]
Chiquita Banana Bread Mix
So, for some reason, in my house we either have way too many bananas, or not enough. Seeing as this week it was way too many, I had a couple overripe bananas waiting to be eaten. I hate to throw them out or waste them, so when I was at the store yesterday I bought the Chiquita Banana Bread Mix. […]
ZenSoy Pudding
Pudding. Who doesn’t like pudding? I love chocolate pudding. Rich, creamy, delicious! So I waas interested to try ZenSoy Pudding. Made with soy? Hmm. According to ZenSoy, there products contain isoflavones, and “these isoflavones, or plant estrogens, show substantial health benefits in helping to lower cholesterol. Isoflavones also fight osteoporosis, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and a variety of cancers, […]