Don’t forget the Sahale Snack Giveaway!! =) I don’t know about you, but I was always a fan of mini snacks when I was younger. I think they are so cute- and, you usually get a bigger portion size for roughly the same amount of calories as the bigger counterpart! So, you can count on it that I was certainly happy […]
Late July Organic Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers
Ah, peanut butter. On fruit, on a sandwich, or straight from the jar, it’s definitely one of my favorite foods. Another great way to enjoy peanut butter is with Late July’s Organic Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers. According to the wrapper, these crackers are “real organic peanut butter between organic buttery tasting rich crackers”. Can we say, yum? 🙂 The people […]
Late July Mini Sandwich Cookies
Late July is a great company. Founded by Nicole Bernard Dawes with her dad in 2003, they make a variety of all natural and organic foods. There top 3 reasons for choosing organic is 1. To save the environment 2. Reduce Health Risks and 3. Support Small businesses. The Late July Organic Mini Endangered Animal Sandwich cookies even donate 10% of their […]