Barry’s Bakery makes French Twists, which are “layers of sweet puffed pastry”. They come in a variety of flavors, ranging from Maple French Toast to Wild Raspberry. Two 13g twists is only 1 Weight Watcher Point, and they are made without Cholesterol, Butter, Eggs, Yeast or Dairy, and of course, they are all natural (but why would i be eating […]
5 Star , Cedarlane
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Cedarlane Moussaka Eggplant Mediterranean
Let me just cut to the chase with this one. THIS MEAL KICKS BUTT. I never in my life tried a piece of eggplant. It looks nasty, it’s ugly looking (okay that’s 2 superficial reasons…) and it was just never my vegetable “of choice”. So i was skeptical to try this meal, eggplant? And Eggplant Moussaka? What does that mean? […]
4 Star , Earth's Best
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Earth's Best Elmo Mac'n Cheese
Macaroni & cheese anyone? Who, honestly, can resist mac & cheese!? This sinful dish is often gooey, cheesy and delicious, but also often packed with sodium, artificial colors and fillers. But not this mac & cheese! Earth’s Best Elmo (yes, ELMO!) Mac’n Cheese is all natural, with 22g of whole grain per serving. Yes i admit, it’s probably aimed toward […]