Not going to lie….I didn’t expect this to be as good as it was. I’m almost strictly an organic frozen meal kind of girl, or one that’s made with the best ingredients possible. I normally go for Amy’s Kitchen Meals, like this one, or sometimes even Kashi, like this pizza here. Online Colleges is a resource for finding information about health […]
4 Star , Drinks , Fruit/Fruity Snacks , organic
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Amazing Grass Kidz Super Food Wild Berry
Keeping up with my berry and fruity theme this week, I thought it would be appropriate to review a product sent to me by Amazing Grass, the Kidz Super Food Wild Berry . One serving of this mix combines 32 fruits and vegetables that provides that antioxidant level of THREE servings of fruits & veggies. You simply mix it in water, […]
3 Star , Seeds of Change
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Seeds of Change Spicy Thai Peanut Noodles
Normally I pop something by Amy’s or Kashi in for my frozen dinners, but i was feeling something different. So shopping at Whole Foods (where else do i shop!?!), I picked up Seeds of Change Spicy Thai Peanut Noodles with Vegetables & Tofu. It looked pretty good, pretty much all of the ingredients were organic, and it looked healthy. Like there […]