Not going to lie….I didn’t expect this to be as good as it was. I’m almost strictly an organic frozen meal kind of girl, or one that’s made with the best ingredients possible. I normally go for Amy’s Kitchen Meals, like this one, or sometimes even Kashi, like this pizza here. Online Colleges is a resource for finding information about health and nutrition. There is always more to learn about what the best ingredients in foods are.
Regardless, browsing the frozen food section, I saw this and was intrigued. I took a peek at the ingredients, and approved. I didn’t see any ingredients I didn’t really approve of, so I thought it would be worth a try.

Once it was done cooking, I could certainly smell the sauce throughout the kitchen. It smelled really good, and seeing as I just did a weights workout, I was hungry. This meal I felt was perfect post workout- protein, carbs, and some healthy fats alongside some veggies. I also had a chocolate chip cookie….but that’s besides the point 😉
I have a complaint when it comes to frozen meals and the vegetables sides. For the most part, I feel like the vegetables on the side are either
1. Too chewy/hard
2. Too mushy
3.Too plain.
THESE vegetables, however, were different. They were almost sitting in what I’m assuming is olive oil, and had a bit of seasoning to them. There were peppers, carrots, and broccoli, all perfect consistency. Not mushy, not chewy. So delicious. In fact, I kind of wish I could buy just the side compartment on vegetables and eat them alone. Yes, I am talking about broccoli and carrots. The peppers I could have done without, but I’m not a pepper kind of person.
Moving on, the pasta was a little on the soft side, but pretty good. It rested in a sauce that was a tad salty, but had a good flavor and even soft chunks of tomatoes. On top was the chunks of chicken and some pieces of cheese. The cheese was sparse, but certainly delicious. The chicken, not going to lie, was the letdown of the meal. It was a bit chewy, and I had some fatty parts I wasn’t happy about. It was juicy and not dry, so that was good, but I really wasn’t digging it. There was a mild pepper flavor I noticed too.
Overall? I really liked this meal! I would definitely buy it again. 4 1/2 stars
What’s your favorite product by Stouffer’s? I haven’t had much that I remember in the last few years, so this is my new favorite!

Wow I have not had a stouffers product in a long time but this one looks pretty good! When I was little we used to have their lasagna on soccer nights. haha i think my mom needed a night off in the kitchen!
hahhaha yea, this one is def reccomended!!! 🙂
What about the sodium, seems high to me?
Yes, it is a bit high. But I’ve definitely seen worse! And I kind of expect sodium levels to be high with frozen foods- it’s a shame, wish they could season with other spices! 🙂