Yea, Yea I know what your thinking. Tofu? Ew.
Well, here’s me pleading you to reconsider. Or you can be anti-tofu if you want. That is until you try THIS dish. This dish completely transforms tofu from the “flavorless sponge” (as my friends refer to it at least), to delicious.
Doesn’t this look scrumptious?
Let’s break it down into compartments. I’ll start with the soggy tomato. Honestly, the only part of this dish I didn’t like. But is it really fair I didn’t like that aspect of the meal? I’m really not a fan of tomatoes. Ketchup? Yes. Tomato sauce? Yes. But actual tomatoes. Nooooo. I guess the fact that it was soggy didn’t really help. But no problem, I just replaced that part of the dish with a heaping side of broccoli =)
Now, onto the hash browns. YUMMY. Great potato flavor, almost like a toasted or cooked potato flavor, and some aspects had a very slightly burnt flavor. The consistency was soft, but not mushy, and although not overpowering in flavor, I really enjoyed it.
Now, onto the winner. THE TOFU. It was legitimately delicious. A peppery, garlicy and oniony flavor, it was very rich and had an “eggy” flavor as well. There was also bits of carrots and spinach that added a bit of flavor. One thing to point out that it was greasy, which really contributed to the rich feel. HOWEVER, it really was so good. And there was a generous portion of the tofu scramble and the hash browns, which I really enjoyed.
Here’s the nutritional facts. LOVE how much protein there is, and so few carbs, but it
certainly is high in fat!
Overall, 4 1/2 stars. REALLY good, and certainly worth a try! This meal is also gluten free, dairy free AND vegan! =)
What about you? Fan of Tofu or no? If so, how do you eat/prepare it?

i’ve seen this at the store but never bought it because tofu scrambles are so easy! it’s just a matter of sauteeing crumbled up tofu in spices and veggies. however, it does look good for when i’m in a pinch!
and why would they put a tomato in there? that might be the worst vegetable for freezing and re-heating! 🙂
hahah thats what I thought! I was like blechh, not only do I NOT like tomatoes, but this one is mushy!! 😛
I LOVE tofu but I can’t prepare it myself. =P Only eat it when I go out to eat otherwise I’d get tired of it fast.
This meal looks pretty yummy but I hate hash-browns! >.<
oh no! no hash browns for you then 🙁
maybe you’d like the mushy tomato instead? 😛
I’m not the biggest tofu fan, mostly because I don’t know how to prepare it, but I think this would be a good way to try tofu and hopefully like it better!
I’m actually planning on adopting total veganism in about a month, so I NEED to learn to love tofu!
I believe the tofu in this sis good because I’ve had Amy’s tofu and brown rice bowl and it was very tasty. However, too small and too expensive in my opinion.