Yummy! More protein-filled finds. NOW, when it comes to protein, I think closest to nature is best. Chicken breast, eggs, turkey, things like that. However, a nice switch up every now and then is definitely called for and satisfies a craving. Today’s find? These vegetarian Morning Star Farms Maple Flavored Sausage Patties! We all know how much I adore maple, […]
Annie Chun’s Mini Wontons Chicken and Garlic
Something new for me to try! Browsing the aisle at Whole Foods, I wanted to try something out of the ordinary (or at least so for me) to have as a snack or as part of a meal. I decided to pick up these and give them a try. The ingredients and nutritional information seemed pretty good and up to […]
Alexia Waffle Cut Sweet Potato Fries
Source Oh yeaaaaa. Sweet potato fries. I saw these at Whole Foods and was immediately excited! Of course, at the time I didn’t take into account that I DONT have a pan to cook fries on at home, so these were purchased very quickly after discovering them at the store. I say discovering because that’s what I feel like it’s […]
Trader Joe’s Creamy Polenta with Spinach and Carrots
I love Trader Joe’s. It seems like everytime I go in there, there is a new and exciting product to try. I trust Trader Joe branded products, as for the most part, they have always been really delicious and rather nutritious as well. Today’s choice? Trader Joe’s Creamy Polenta with Spinach and Carrots. I wanted something carby to go along […]
Marie Callender’s Cheesy Chicken & Rice
I went to the store the other day to pick up some random things, including some frozen entrees for when I dont have time (or more likely, don’t feel like) cooking. I saw this meal, Marie Callender’s Cheesy Chicken & Rice, and knew I had to give it a try, especially since I liked the last Marie Callender meal I […]
Ian’s Wheat Free/Gluten Free Mac & NO Cheese
I’m not a pasta person – I’ll take rice, bread and pretty much any carb over pasta. However, an exception to the rule is macaroni and cheese. How can anyone possibly turn it down? Gooey, cheesy and super comforting – what’s not to love? Ian’s Natural Foods is a brand that I happen to like, so I figured I would […]
Meals to Live Shrimp Jambalaya
Growing up, I had two favorite types of fish. Shrimp, and tuna in a can, and that was pretty much it. I’m going to be honest and say I haven’t eaten fish or meat in quite a while, and when I do it’s very sporadic. Just not digging it as much as I used to. However, hunger rolled around 5 […]
Peas of Mind Veggie Wedgies Baked Carrot Fries
The other day I went to Whole Foods (which is quite a bit of a drive from my house) with $12.00. I had intentions to only buy one thing (a pot pie) and then leave. I have no idea why on EARTH I thought it was a good idea to go in with only $12.00, as that was the day […]
Edy’s Strawberry Fruit Bars
Ask me my favorite ice cream bar when I was little? Strawberry Shortcake bar. Favorite ice pop? Strawberry frozen fruit bars. (can we see a pattern emerging?) I was also told as a child that when eating my favorite fruit, strawberries, (which strangely enough, is not my favorite fruit anymore- I’ve graduated to the apple!) my entire face and hands […]
Alexia Red Potatoes with Garlic & Parmesan Mashed Potatoes
I went grocery shopping yesterday, and was looking at the frozen food aisle for something to make for dinner. Then I spotted it, mashed potatoes! I definitely wanted mashed potatoes for dinner. And how easy were these? All I had to do was cook them in the microwave, give em a stir and transfer to a bowl. I put them […]