School Safe SoyButter is advertised to be school friendly because it is nut free, and more important, peanut free. I remember when I was in school not being allowed to eat peanut butter sandwiches sometimes because of kids who had allergies (which totally stinks! I love peanut butter!!). According to the website, “Forget anything you’ve tried before, there is no […]
Nature’s Path Mmmaple Pecan Granola Bars + health benefits of Maple Syrup!
Perfect time for a Nature’s Path review, seeing as my GIVEAWAY for granola bars, granola, a box of cereal AND reusable tote is going on AS WE SPEAK (or, as you READ, rather). One of the granola bars a reader has a chance to win is the Mmmaple Pecan Flax Plus Granola Bar, which I was so kindly sent to […]
Dave’s Killer Bread Sin-Dawg
Who likes cinnamon buns? I do! I do! 😀 But they really should be called sin-namon buns, now shouldn’t they? Loaded with refined flours, sugars and fat, a traditional cinnamon bun may be heavenly on your taste buds, but no so much on your heart. Enter Dave’s Killer Bread. This company managed to make the “Ultimate Sinnamon Roll”, making […]
Nature's Path Gluten Free Sunrise Cereals
Nature’s Path is one of my favorite brands. They dish out awesome cereals, granolas, toaster pastries and snack bars. They even have a line dedicated to those of you who cannot have gluten or choose to avoid it in the diet Anyway, I was asked to try their new organic Sunrise Cereals which come in Crunchy Maple and Crunchy Vanilla […]
Nature's Path Organic Optimum Strawberry & Yogurt cereal
Nature’s Path is one of my favorite brands. They make a bunch of yummy cereals, bars, and too addictive toaster pastries. All organic, all healthy, and all delicious. As part of the Optimum line of cereals, which includes Blueberry & Cinnamon, Banana & Almond, Cranberry & Ginger and Slim, i saw the Strawberry & Yogurt variety and decided to give […]