Bedding for better skin? Hmm…This I have to try.
I’ll admit, the Instagram ad got me. Basically I was scrolling IG as usual, saw an ad for “35$ pillow case or $100 acne cream?” and well…it got me.

I’ve suffered with acne for the past 5-6 years, with it’s peak the past 3 years. However, we can likely contribute that partially on the horrible stress of a rigorous graduate program. I’ve tried everything. Creams, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, eliminating dairy and refined sugar. So fine, I caved. At age 27, I still have acne, mostly isolated to my neck, behind the ears, shoulders, and side of my face… Could my pillowcase, in fact, be doing me dirty!? (no pun intended, To be fair, I never wear makeup to bed and wash my sheets 1-2x a week!)
I decided to purchase the pillow case and fitted bed sheet. & it wasn’t cheap. & if I told my mom I paid $120 for a sheet and a pillow case, she may scream at me. But I am 27 and I deserve to buy what I want without my mother forever telling me to “save my money” so… here we go!
Silvon bedding is made with organic cotton and woven with silver, which acts as an anti-microbial. According to the website, “Silver carries a naturally positive charge and bacteria carries a naturally negative charge. These opposing charges are what makes silver and bacteria attracted to each other. Silver then breaks bacteria’s cell wall and destroys it before it has a chance to reproduce.” I like it. I like the science.
But Silver? So am I going to be sleeping on scratchy sheets? I was tentative to hit the purchase button, afraid the sheets would cause my overly annoyingly sensitive skin to break out (ironically).
HOWEVER, these sheets are so smooth! They are soft, smooth, and with a silky feel. They are also cool to the touch which is a HUGE plus for me, because even in the dead of winter, ya girl is sweating. Seriously.

Okay, so I know I bought a king sized pillow case– I have a rather large tempurpedic pillow, which I normally use a queen sized pillowcase that fits perfect, if not snug. WHY is the King sized pillow case so LONG!? Not a huge deal…but I think that might be an error on their part. Or maybe mine. Who knows.
I purchased Twin XL bed sheet, which also was TOO BIG for my mattress, which is a twin with a thick mattress topper. Again, not a huge deal, but it will not fit snug like my other brands do.

What’s more annoying than the case being too long is this STAIN that was on the pillowcase after washing ONE time. I do not use benzoyl peroxide on my face (ruined too many sheets and towels with that), I do not use bleach in my wash (I used scent free, gentle detergent). I always wash my face before bed. So what gives Silvon?
Okay that’s all fine…but How did the acne hold up?
TO BE FAIR, since I graduated, my stress levels have declined, my sleep has improved, and my skin was clearing before I purchased the sheets. However, I would still get break outs.
Since purchasing the pillowcase and bedsheet, my acne…is the same, maybe somewhat improved. Perhaps there are a few less breakouts around my neck and upper back, which is exposed to my sheets.
Will I swap my retinoid for a pillowcase?
No. I will continue to use the sheets. I like they are cool to the touch, made with organic cotton and maybe longer term they will reduce my acne. We shall see.
HOWEVER, due to the pricetag, the stain after washing once, and the poor fit of sheets, this gets a 3 star rating.