A new line of products for me to try, UNREAL has supposedly “Unjunked” candy, and taken out the “bad” stuff like high fructose corn syrup, additives and hydrogenated oils. I got some free samples from the company asking me to try, and I happily obliged. A “healthier” spin on candy? Sure, why not? 🙂 Today’s review is of the UNREAL […]
Halloween Tips!
WOO! Halloween is on the way. We all know what that means….CANDY. and lot’s of it! Now there’s only so much candy you can give away to your co-workers, your family and friends. And well, what’s Halloween without treating yourself to a delicious Reeses or Snickers bar (mini bar, that is!). Here are some tips I was emailed from Ms. […]
Dancing Deer Baking Co. Peanut Butter Cats and Chocolate Bats cookies
YES! Halloween is almost here! Time to hand out candy to kids dressed up in ah-dorable costumes, and get props as one of the best houses that hands out candy. We go all out. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers, Snickers….you know the good stuff. And not the mini barely more than a bite size- the bigger pieces! Ever since I […]
Chocolite Chocolate Pecan Cluster
So far, I’d say I’m a fan of Chocolite Chocolates. Not only are they relatively low-calorie, but they are also quite tasty! My favorites have been the Caramel Cashew Protein Bar and the Peanut Butter Cup Patties. Which are we reviewing today? Chocolite Chocolate Pecan Cluster! This package had 2 pieces in it, at 30 calories a piece. They also […]
Figamajigs Dark Chocolate Covered Fig Bar with Almonds
Figamajigs! I think this company is great- combining healthy fruit and tasty chocolate and other treats with their products. The company sent me some of their products to try, including the Figamajigs Dark Chocolate Covered Fig Bar with Almonds. According to the wrapper, this bar is “all natural, low fat, high in fiber, high in anti-oxidants”. Sounds like my kind of […]
Vosges Haut-Chocolat Organic Chocolate Bars
What’s better than chocolate? Well, in my opinion, few things are better or hit the spot than chocolate. But how about Organic Chocolate? That’s all I could think of! I was sent some quite interesting and intriguing chocolate to try for free from Vosges Haut-Chocolat, and they actually have quite a story. I read the back of the bar of chocolates and found out […]
Surf Sweets Gummy Swirls candy
I have such a sweet tooth (seeing as this is my SECOND candy review/post tonight! Make sure you scroll down to see the second review!) I’m so happy that companies like Surf Sweets make healthier alternatives to traditional candies to help satisfy my sweet tooth but also ease my mind! Surf Sweets makes organic and natural jelly beans and gummy candies. According to […]
Chocolite Chocolate Candies
Time for a CHOCOLATE review! Chocolite made by Health Smart Foods . The company sent me a few of their products to try, and then have quite the selection! I decided to feature the Peanut Butter Cup Patty (how could I not try that one?!), the Chocolate Pecan Cluster, and the Chocolate Coconut Almond candies. Peanut Butter Cup Patty– WOAH. HOW […]
Figamajigs Dark Chocolate Covered Fig Candy
What’s a Figamajig!? Figamajigs are a different way to enjoy candy, according to them, it’s “A Healthy and Delicious Way to Enjoy Chocolate”. What could be so healthy about chocolate? Well, these candies are all natural, provide fiber & antioxidants, and are relatively low in fat. They make both bite sized candies and fig bars covered with delicious chocolate. The […]
Yummy Earth Organic Vitamin C & SuperSOUR Pops
Yea-I’m feeling candy this week. It’s DEFINETELY one of those weeks where I need some sweets! And what better way to satisfy a sugary-sweet tooth than with a lollipop? I remember my favorites growing up were Charms- the ones with bubblegum in the center- and Tootsie Pop –only in the grape flavor- which had a center of a soft tootsie […]