I love when I get new products to try, and when new surprises await me in the mailbox or outside my door. To my surprise, I found a little bag from Larabar with some of their new bars, Uber bars, which are sweet and salty fruit and nut bars. I LOVE fruit and nut bars. Satisfying, sweet, crunchy, and just […]
Cappuccino LARABar
Something new! Don’t you all love new products!? (: I got a very nice card and some free Cappuccino LARABars from the company a week or so ago (happy holidays to me!) I opened up the box and saw four bars of a flavor I never heard of or saw before- Cappuccino. This might be interesting, I thought. I used […]
Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbar
Look-ee what I got in the mail, as a complete surprise to me… YEP- some Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbars! With a cute little bag, button, sticker and slice of information pie. What a nice welcome surprise once I walked in the door and had a package waiting for me. Thanks, LARAbar!!! Now, down to business. It looks like your […]
Carrot Cake LARAbar
I know when the 4 new flavors of LARAbars came out I was excited. LARAbar generously sent me the 4 new flavors to try, and I couldn’t have been more excited. I mean flavors like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough? (which certainly was a hit for me!) Which brings me to today’s review, the Carrot Cake LARAbar, which was equally as […]
LaraBar Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Tropical Fruit Tart
Source I was sent a few bars to try from LaraBar, including the new Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor, and the not-so-new, Tropical Fruit Tart. I was excited- cookie dough anything has thumbs up in my book, and I do love fruity flavors as well. These bars are a bit on the small side than what I’m used to for […]