Look-ee what I got in the mail, as a complete surprise to me…
YEP- some Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbars! With a cute little bag, button, sticker and slice of information pie.
What a nice welcome surprise once I walked in the door and had a package waiting for me. Thanks, LARAbar!!!
Now, down to business. It looks like your standard LARAbar….
….but it’s not.
This one ROCKS!!!! I noticed the bar seemed softer than usual when I took a bite, but still had that sticky density we all know and (hopefully) love. As I kept chewing, I really loved this bar. It tastes like chocolate covered cherries!!
It was sweet and tart, with that classic date taste. But, ย then you get a hint of ย dark chocolate flavor and a teensy bit of crunch. I really felt like I was eating almost a cordial cherry, with chocolate covered coating. This is definitely one of my new favorite Larabars!! And, according to the wrapper, this baby is Gluten Free and gives 1/2 of a fruit serving. What’s not to love??
Overall, this gets 4 1/2 stars. Really delicious! I will definitely buy in the future!!
What’s your favorite food involving cherries? I cant say I would turn down a slice of cherry pie ๐

i love cherry chipotle sauces – sweet & spicy … just like me! ๐
cherry chipotle sauce!! sounds interesting!!!
I got these too!!! So yummy!! But I love chobani black cherry! Best flavor ever!
yes! so yummy! Had one today actually haha! pineapples my favorite, but cherry is very close!!
We always got those chocolate covered cherries for Christmas time, and those were pretty good. Luna protein’s chocolate cherry almond isn’t too bad either ๐
I’m picky about my cherry flavors because of cough medicine flavor fear!
no cough medicine flavor here! just real cherries ๐