one of the BEST sandwiches I ever had!
Well, at least best sandwich I had eating out. Nothing can beat a homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwich on fluffy white (yea, I said it) bread with globs of peanut butter and jelly. MMM.
Anyway, insert the Cosi Turkey and Stuffing Sandwich. I’ve been WAITING for this baby. It’s seasonal, and I always happen to fall in love with seasonal items. Good for the companies, bad for me when I want a stuffing sandwich in July, or some fruity flavored thing in the winter (so typical of my body to crave out of season….how DARE it!!!?)
I went to the gym Friday and afterward wanted to reward my muscles with some protein after a hard muscle workout. My options were scrambled eggs (which…. I have every day), yogurt (for lunch? Nah…) or a nice sandwich from Cosi. Bread? Carbs? Protein? Count. Me. In.
I ordered the sandwich, which came with carrots, and a drink and it came to about $10.00. A little on the pricy side for sure, but usually worth the money in flavor.
Here’s what the sandwich looked like once I got home.
One bite….and I was hooked.
Starting with the bread (<3) which I’m almost positive I asked for Whole Grain, and I’m pretty sure I got white bread. I would know…the Whole Grain usually has a whole bunch of flax seeds and such in it, and this one I found MAYBE one or two stragglers. Hmm. Whatever. It was still beyond delicious so even though the inner soon-to-be nutritionist was yelling Uh, RETURN THIS! Go get your whole grains! Stop eating refined carbs! my brain was yelling There’s no way I’m walking back 10 blocks to return a sandwich and taste buds were yelling this is too dang delicious to stop eating.
So it was settled. I ate the white-possibly-whole-grain-but-I’ll-never-know bread. Flaky, crusty, goodness. Mmm.
The turkey pieces (medallions??) were chewy and there were PLENTY of them. They were a bit salty and otherwise a wee bit bland/dry if eaten alone, but still good.
The stuffing was so good. It was flavorful, and I tasted a piece of celery in there. It was very bready, and very yummy, with spices (but NOT spicy!)
Lastly, the cranberry. Sweet and soft, and like a spread. Went perfectly with the stuffing and turkey.
Overall, HELLO leftover sandwich BEFORE Thanksgiving! I would call that a win. There’s 435 calories in this sandwich which is a bit more than I’d eat normally for lunch also considering the carrots (um…and the cookie I ate with it but let’s forget about that….) but it was well worth the money and the calories.
Who invented this sandwich? She or he is a genius. 4.5 stars

This sandwich terrifies me. Not because I think it would be gross, but because I think I’d love it. Your review pretty much helps me confirm that. Thank goodness there is not a Cosi anywhere near me.
hahha oh I’m SURE you’d love it. I love it. Im going to be broke really soon, because I HAVE to go back and get another!! 🙂
That sandwich sounds great. I wouldn’t worry about your white vs wheat predicament.
-GI is irrelevant for the most part, especially for a mixed meal
-2 vs 3 g of fiber in your bread selection. I doubt either have a substantial amount of micronutrients
RD? Do you still have to intern?
yes! yea, intern and then exam and then voila RD! I also want to be a personal trainer. boo yaaaa
I went to cosi the other day and got this sandwich because of your review. OMG NOM NOM NOM. It’s such a good thing this is not available year round. lol That would be trouble! Lisa, for a nutrition student, you are suchhhh a bad influence!!! 😛
I realized though that, like a lot of other “whole grain” products, their whole grain bread most probably has a significant amount of refined flour in it. I’d actually bet that it’s *mostly* white flour, but I suppose partial whole grain is better than none at all!
hahah yep! and I know, isnt it AWESOME!??!?! glad you enjoyed it. Im happy its seasonal too…. 😉
hi! i work at cosi. the whole grain bread is not completely whole grain, they still use the regular flour from the rustic bread, but just add the grains and brown sugar 🙁 and its more calories than the rustic bread… also the stuffing is stove top, the cranberries are canned, and the turkey we receive pre-cooked and frozen…it still is a damn good sandwich though, i added bacon on mine 😛 so if you ever do get the craving in july just buy a piece of bread ($1.07) from cosi and make ur own at home 🙂
hahha WELL nice to know all the secrets. thats a tad upsetting. oh well, its still really tasty! maybe Ill just get the white bread and save myself 20 calories from now on 😉