Healthnuttxo Nature's Path Nature’s Path GIVEAWAY!

Nature’s Path GIVEAWAY!

Thhhattttttt’s right guys, it’s GIVEAWAY TIME!!!

In honor of Earth Day, April 22nd 2010, Nature’s Path is being extremely generous and wants to give one of YOU lucky readers an eco-friendly giftpack! Nature’s Path recently came out with all new packaging, that uses more sustainable, thus eco-friendly, packaging.

ONE lucky winner will recieve (see below for picture!)
*Nature’s Path Reusable Shopping Bag
*Nature’s Path Granola Bars
*Nature’s Path Granola
*Nature’s Path Box of Cereal

I’m personally JEALOUS of whoever wins- what a great giveaway πŸ˜‰

How to enter: (each is ONE entry. enter more times for more chances to win!)
Add me to your blogroll/Follow Me!! Leave a comment saying you did so
2. Link this giveaway to one of your posts. Leave a comment saying you did so
3. Tweet about this giveaway! (leave a comment!)
4. If you DONT have a blog or website, find a friend that does! get them to do one of the above, and then you BOTH get entries. Just make sure you bothΒ leave a comment!

Giveaway Ends April 19th, 2010. Just enough time for you to recieve your package before EARTH DAY!! (USA & CANADA ONLY!)

enter now!!! πŸ™‚

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43 thoughts on “Nature’s Path GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Ohhhh me me me!! I’m already suscribed to your blog and read all your updates.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. How dorky is it that I’m loving the their shopping bag?! But honestly, Nature’s Path is such a great company!
    You’re already on my Reader! πŸ™‚

  3. thanks! i appreciate it! you can enter too if you dont have a blog- just reccoment me to a friend, get them to post a comment, and i’ll enter you into the giveaway! πŸ™‚

  4. Wowzers! You are dead on…whoever wins this is one lucky duck! Let me get my entries in! πŸ™‚

    You are on my blogroll!

  5. Have to Let you know I just fell onto your site. I have been going though chemo and radiation for the last 6 years off and on for cancer. Eating Organic is the only way to go, but it is quite expensive. I love it though. I try to have the whole family eat that way but we can’t, my son mostly and sometimes hubby but we love all of your products and I am defiantly a fan. When I saw your name come up on a ad in facebook I had to click it!!! Hope face book is a good enough website to qualify for the giveaways!! Wishing all full health and happiness πŸ™‚

  6. thanks for the kind words! hope all is doing okay with you! and of course FB is good for the giveaway- any way you can spread the word πŸ˜‰

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