Healthnuttxo 4 1/2 stars,Cereal & Breakfast,Nature's Path,organic Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon Cereal

Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon Cereal

Nature’s Path is one of my favorite brands when it comes to organic food. I have yet to this day had a product from this brand that I haven’t liked. To add to my list of favorites, is the Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon Cereal that I was sent to try from Nature’s Path.

So what’s so special about this cereal? Well there’s a few things I like.

One- a serving size is ONE CUP! WOO HOO!
Two- There’s only 9 grams of sugar in 1 cup of cereal!
Three- there’s 7 grams of fiber and 9 grams of protein
Four- it’s ORGANIC!

Okay, so all that’s great, right? But, how does it taste?


One of the things I love is cinnamon, and this cereal has a great cinnamon flavor. Fresh, lightly sweetened, real cinnamon. There wasn’t much of a blueberry flavor, but there was tiny blueberries scattered throughout the cereal that tasted good. There were crunchy and HARD noodle/twig shaped pieces, and flakes. What I really liked was that the crunch held up in my almond milk and sliced banana, and it had a good amount of sweetness. 4 1/2 stars

1 cup is 200 calories, 3 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of fiber, 9 grams of sugar and 9 grams of protein.

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2 thoughts on “Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon Cereal”

  1. I just saw these the other day. I wasn’t sure if it was some type of “generic” econo brand, but now that you reviewed it, I’ll pay it more attention.

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