Jelly, jams, marmalades- I like ’em all. On toast or an english muffin is the way I usually eat them, but something about the sweet and fruity flavor that makes them delicious.
Enter Crofter’s spreads in Superfruit and Concord Grape that I got the other day at Whole Foods using a free coupon I recieved. Each one is organic, and according to the jar, are products of Canada. Also according to the jar, they are both “made with Fair Trade Cane Sugar”.
I picked the Superfruit spread with “Black Currants and Pomegranates blended with Morello Cherries and Red Grapes” because it sounded interesting, and then I picked old reliable Concord Grape because grape jelly is my favorite.
I spread both on two pieces of toast. Can you guess which is which?
Let’s start with the Superfruit spread. A deep purple in color, it was pretty thick and sort of bumpy. It looked like there were tiny blueberries in it, but there were not blueberries listed on the ingredients. The taste was sweet but tart at the same time, assuming from the pomegranate. It had an overall blueberry-grape flavor, with even raspberry undertones. I found that kind of odd that it tasted like blueberry and raspberry to me, seeing as neither were listed in the ingredients. I wasn’t crazy about this spread, but it was still good. 2 1/2 stars.
Moving on the Concord Grape Spread, now this one was TASTY. Very smooooooth and very sweet, but really good. A genuine grape flavor, no artificial taste whatsoever. No lumps at all, and it spread very easily. My favorite of the two. 4 1/2 stars.
As for the picture, the one one the LEFT is the Superfruit Spread, and the one of the RIGHT is the Concord Grape Spread.
Have you ever tried a product from Crofter’s? Which was your favorite?
Superfruit– 1 tbsp (18 grams) is 30 calories, 0 grams of fat, 8 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.
Concord Grape– 1 tbsp (18 grams) is 35 calories, 0 grams of fat, 8 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein.

I immeditatly knew which one was which! Yep, I had a jar of the superfruit and I wasn’t crazy about it. Something tasted a little off about it, but of course, I finished it anyway. I’ll have to try this grape one though. Grape has always been my favorite.
yes! def try the grape. sooo tasty. I could eat it straight from the jar… hahah 🙂