Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Trader Joe's Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Spread

Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Spread

how PRETTY is this cover?!

I’m not a big fan of cream cheese. In fact, growing up I was the type of kid that when I got a bagel out at supermarket or whatever already prepared, I would smear off a good 3/4 of the cream cheese. Β HOWEVER, when I heard about this product I just HAD to go try it and buy it! (or rather, buy it, then try it!) You know me, anything food with peanut butter, and I’m down for tasting!

Here’s what it looks like straight from the container, with some of it already eaten (guilty as charged).

When I first tasted it, I thought, ooh? Is that a slight coffee flavor? It had just the hint of coffee flavor. But as I kept eating it, the flavors progressed. I could certainly taste the cream cheese aspect of this product, slightly tart and that traditional cheesy cream cheese flavor. However, there certainly WAS a peanut butter flavor! It was really unique, but really tasty too. I wouldn’t say it was a peanut butter from the jar flavor, but a sweet peanut butter flavor. My favorite part was that there were actual pieces of chopped nuts in the spread as well!

Overall, really delicious. I loved it’s thickness, and the sweet aspect to it. I had this on an english muffin with one side peanut butter cream cheese, and one side jelly, and it was pretty good! However, my preferred method of consumption was with a spoon. And no, I’m not kidding (;

4 stars

Have you tried this cream cheese? If not, if you COULD try it, what would you eat it with?


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15 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Spread”

  1. i haven’t tried this but i’ve seen other bloggers raving about it. like you, i’ve never really been a huge fan of cream cheese but i can understand the potential tastiness of pb & creaminess. maybe i’ll mix some pb or pb flour w/ fage greek yogurt.
    i’d definitely eat it on a doughy english muffin!

  2. Nowhere near a trader joes but I would definitely love to try it on my cinnamon raisen bagel thins. πŸ™‚ ….and by the spoon.

  3. ooh! cinnamon raisin bagel things sounds like an awesome idea! Think I just learned a way to finish off my tub of cream cheese πŸ™‚

  4. it really is! I just wish I could find the Pumpkin butter they used to have πŸ™

  5. I’ve been thinking of trying this each time I see it at TJs… I still feel like it might be a weird mix of PB and cream cheese though! I guess if it is good enough to eat with a spoon, then it is worth a try πŸ˜‰

  6. it is pretty good- but it is also weird- but in a good way! I think it’s worth a try, more so if you like cream cheese!

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