Healthnuttxo 3 1/2 stars,Restaurant Reviews Crumbs Bake Shop Chocolate Snowball Cupcake

Crumbs Bake Shop Chocolate Snowball Cupcake


I’m hesitant to post anything even mentioning the word “snow”. It may be bad luck. So far, where I live, we lucked out and got little to hardly ANY of the white fluffy stuff. And, call me boring, but I’m glad. I hate snow. 1-2 inches? Sure. Enough to get the ground looking pretty and the feel of winter really in the air. 1-2 feet of snow? Me hauling the shovel for 2 hours with frostbitten fingers and then a useless back the next day and sore body? Driving in that slippery stuff to get to work? Looking at the gray, gross and dirty snow a few days after the storm? Noooo. Me no likey.

SO, if it snows upon me posting this review, I apologize. And if it snows upon me posting this review and you like snow, then, hey, you’re welcome! But if it actually does snow I may be freaked out just a tad…

ANYWAY- I went to Crumbs Bake Shop and ordered the Chocolate Snowball Cupcake. It just appealed to me. It didn’t have a ton of toppings, and was simple, shiny and looked really good. Come to think of it, I’m not a big sprinkles person, and this cupcake was rimmed with sprinkles, so I don’t really know why I bought it. Impulse buy. *Sigh*

However, I am glad I got it! It was $3.75, which isn’t too terrible but also not cheap, and I usually only eat half a a time anyway because it has a lot of sugar (like any dessert).

The top was a thick chocolatey layer, almost waxy in consistency, and dark chocolate in flavor. I almost wish it was a milk chocolate rather than a dark chocolate flavor, as it was a tad bit bitter. I can see why they added the dark chocolate layer, perhaps to balance out the cupcake, but I would have preferred a more milk chocolate icing/frosting flavor.

The sprinkles on the side were softer than I expected, but still added a tiny bit of crunch, and some added chocolate flavor. Underneath the chocolate layer, was a layer of chocolate mousse . I wasn’t crazy about the mousse- it was a bit too tangy for me. It had a bit of a cream cheese flavor which I didn’t really enjoy, but I did like the soft, thick and smooth texture. Lastly, my favorite part, the cake. A delicious chocolate cake- rich, moist, and fudgy, it tasted like a brownie but had cake consistency. I don’t know what they do, but  I ALWAYS like the cake part of their cupcakes! (at least the ones I have tried so far!)

Overall, a pretty good cupcake. I have yet to find a cupcake at Crumbs that I love 100%, but I will keep looking (and reviewing!!) until I find one. However, this one gets 3 1/2 stars, because it was tasty, and not as sugary-sweet as I expected it to taste.

Oh…bonus! This cupcake has only 400 calories– not bad considering I’ve seen some hefty caloric cupcakes at this place!

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