Healthnuttxo 3 1/2 stars,5 Star,Gluten Free,Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads,Pacific Beach Pacific Beach Organic Valencia Peanut Butter & Signature Peanut Butter Spread

Pacific Beach Organic Valencia Peanut Butter & Signature Peanut Butter Spread

Time for a review…of my absolute kryptonite! Peanut butter!

Seriously though…I can refuse any baked good in front of me, but put a jar of peanut butter and a spoon nearby, and you’ll find me melting.

I go through the temptation  thoughts like Spongebob with water when he visits Sandy for the first time.
“I don’t need it…
I don’t need it…
I DEFINITELY don’t need it…

… I   N E E D   IT !!! ”

But, alas, here I am reviewing two peanut butters from Pacific Beach. I will say I DID practice portion control, measured on my scale, and then left the jar in the other room so I didn’t finish a jar in 2 days (I made it to 3!!! [just kidding!])

The first one up- the “Our Signature” peanut butter spread.
2 tbsp is 152 calories, 12 g fat (3 saturated), 51 mg sodium, 9 grams carbs, 1 gram fiber, 6 grams sugar,  4 grams protein.
This one is gluten free (WAS gluten free I should say…that jar is long gone)
This…was unbelievable. I’m not going to lie, I am biased with peanut butter bc well I love peanut butter, but THIS was SO GOOD. It was sweet and creamy, but also had bits of peanuts in it so it had a bit of a crunch. It had a white chocolate flavor to it, was a bit buttery tasting..UGH it was SO GOOD! It had the perfect balance of sweetness too-not too sweet where it felt sugary. Just right. The only thing that kept my guilt at bay was it was 152 calories for 2 Tbsp as opposed to the usual 190 cals. WOO!!
5 stars

Next up, the Organic Valencia peanut butter.
2 tbsp is 168 calories, 14 g fat (2 saturated), 58 mg sodium, 6 grams carbs, 1 gram fiber, 7 grams protein.

This one was also tasty, although definitely more moderate in flavor. I think it could have used a tad more salt, and was a teeny bit bland. But, still a good peanut butter. Again, it was creamy but also had chunks of peanuts in it giving it a bit of a crunch. A nice thick spread, that could easily be spread on bread or eaten from the jar (somehow I always dangerously choose the latter…). I think this is a good nut butter to pair with jelly on a sandwich bc it’s a good base. This one is gluten free and sugar free. I almost wish it had a pinch of sugar or something to bring out more flavor. 3 1/2 stars.

Overall, some tasty treats! I would love to try more from Pacific Beach, because I think their other flavors sounds phenomenal as well. However, currently trying to lean out for summer and I have NO self control around this stuff…bc it is too damn good.

How many of you are peanut butter addicts like myself? It’s so good it hurts!! D:

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