Healthnuttxo 2 1/2 stars,Gluten Free,Probiotics,Supplements Culturelle Advanced Immune Defense

Culturelle Advanced Immune Defense



Well, this product couldn’t have come at a more perfect timing. Everyone knows the scenario…Fall comes around and all of a sudden, everyone is SICK!! Like out of no where, germs fly all over the place and suddenly everyone around you either has a cold, Strep or the big one…the FLU!!!

I was offered to try this product by Culturelle, a supplement for immunity support. It contains a probiotic, Vitamin C, Zinc, and antioxidants.  We are advised to take one per day, for adults and children 12 years and up. This product is free of gluten, dairy, lactose, wheat, soy and preservatives.

I have taken probiotics before and took them before trying this 10 day trial. When starting any new product there may be some bloating or side effects.

These pills are harder than I imagined, most of my other probiotics were in softer, more flexible capsules. They aren’t too large, and they are easy to swallow. I was just getting over a cold when I started taking these. I noticed no change in recovery time, but this is immune DEFENSE so I didn’t expect it to help an already existing cold.

I was a little bloated and gassy on this supplement. I had some mild nausea. I do not think the nausea was from the pill. I have nausea daily and I need a strong probiotic to keep in under control. The probiotic part of this pill was not strong enough for me, and the bloating was consistent throughout the 10 days.

At the end of my 10 day trial, I contracted another cold. I work at a gym, I workout at a gym, and I go to class in public places with sick people. This is not expected to be a miracle pill. but I found it ironic I took a immunity defense pill and I got another cold a week after recovering from one. 

Overall, I probably wouldn’t use this in the future. I need a stronger probiotic (this one claims to have 2.5 Billion CFUs of Lactobacillus GG) and the immune part either was ineffective, or a 10 day trial wasn’t long enough to see real results. Overall… I like the idea of this supplement, but the effectiveness…It’s OK… 2 1/2 stars




I was sent this product to review for free. This is an unbiased review.


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