Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Amy's Kitchen Amy's Non-Dairy Burrito

Amy's Non-Dairy Burrito


Now im not normally a “burrito” kinda gal. Just not into the whole beans,cheese and rice thing. But i figured i would try one of these at work today including i had a shift from 3-7, and only a 15 minute break. It was the perfect size to eat in 15-20 minutes and had enough protein/fiber to keep me going.

So the taste? Well, let me tell you- these burritos may just make me a “burrito” kind of gal! The burrito’s “wrapper” tastes just like the top of Amy’s pot pies, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE her non-dairy vegetable pot pie. Needless to say, i could have eaten just the wrapper and have been satisfied. But, moving on to what’s inside the wrapper, is pinto beans, brown rice (yay! not white rice!), tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, garlic, and spices. There are soo many beans in this, it’s oozing with filling! It has a soft consistency when you take a bite, so the pinto beans worked out quite nicely. The rice is fluffy, and the filling is perfectly spiced. Not too spicy, but not bland at all. I didn’t even notice there wasn’t any cheese in this burrito, because there was so much flavor going on!
I also really like the fact that there aren’t a TON of ingredients (but when are there EVER a lot of ingredients in Amy’s wonderful products?). It was strictly the wrap, the veggies, and spices. No yucky fillers or preservatives like you’d find at um, say, Taco Bell? I shudder at the THOUGHT of eating that food.

So how does this baby sum up? It may be smaller than your average lunch or dinner volume wise, but it is FILLING!! I was surprised how FULL i was from this thing! At first i was substantial after i ate it, but about 30 minutes later, i was STUFFED! I blame the beans, personally, but this thing ROCKS! I also had plenty of energy to walk my dog when i got home from work, due to the jam packed complex carbs from brown rice & beans. I think it would be perfect for a filling, nutritious on-the go lunch, and maybe a dinner if you paired it with some salad or other crudites 🙂

1 Burrito is 280 calories, 6 grams of fat, 48 carbohydrates, 5 grams of fiber (a-ha, so that’s why i was so full!), and 9 grams of protein.

Organic pinto beans, Organic whole wheat & wheat flour, filtered water, Organic brown rice, Organic tomatoes, expeller pressed high oleic safflower oil, Organic onions, Organic bell peppers, sweet rice flour, sea salt, spices, Organic garlic. 

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3 thoughts on “Amy's Non-Dairy Burrito”

  1. Hey! I saw your link for this on SparkPeople (my screen name is “Estenne”!) And I just want to let you know that I really love what you’re doing! I went back through your older entries, and found loads of things that I’d seen in the grocery store and never tried. Though I think I’ll be trying some new things when I go shopping this week!
    Anyway, keep it up, I’ll definitely be checking out your site for updates! Thanks!

  2. hey, no problem! that’s what i’m here for! thanks for checking out mysite- definitely spread the word!! and let me know if you want me to try a specific product or anything 🙂

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