Oh yes. It’s a GIVEAWAY. And, it involves CHOCOLATE!!!!
Hopefully you have all heard of the Oikos Chocolate & Caramel greek yogurts, that are 110 calories each and are absolutely delicious. If not, I have tried and done a review of them here.
And if you HAVEN’T tried those yogurts, you can enter for your chance to win coupons for 2 free multi-packs, and MORE!
Well, I got an e-mail from Miss Bicchieri over at Stonyfield Farm, and they are hosting an “Organic Chocolate Indulgence” giveaway. From the e-mail I was sent, the giveaway includes…
“– 1 coupon for a free Green & Black Organic Chocolate Bar
– 1 sample of Numi Organic Chocolate tea
– 1 Dagoba/Eco Lips Organic Chocolate chapstick
– 1 Skinnyskinny real cocoa organic soap bar
– 2 free coupons for Chocolate and Caramel Oikos multipacks
– Recipe card set featuring Chocolate Cheesecake, as well Oikos spatula”
Ok. That, sounds, AWESOME! Especially if you are a fan of chocolate! 🙂
So how do you enter?
Watch a YoTube video on this website and leave me a comment about something you learned. For example, the e-mail suggested making a comment about organic farming, or organics in general.
Additional Entries:
2. *2 extra entries* Blog about this giveaway! Please leave a link to your post on your website/blog.
3.*1 extra entry* Tweet about this giveaway!
4.*1 extra entry* Add me to your blogroll/follow me/follow me on Twitter (link is under ABOUT ME page)!
*Contest Open to U.S. residents only. Please leave a comment for EACH entry!* Contest ends WEDNESDAY, July 21st 2010 12PM.

you’re on my blogroll!
Babies, toddlers, and kids are more vulnerable than adults to pesticide exposure. !!!
this is eye opening!
I learned that every year the US uses a BILLION pounds of pesticide. That’s crazy!!!
You are in my reader 🙂
Weeds can be controlled through mechanical measures, meaning they can be kept in check without using chemicals.
I also sent a tweet (sentmyway)!
Dr. Sears recommends yogurt for babies after 6 months old, especially organic bc they have growing cells.
i’m following you on twitter!
I learned that kids are exposed to 4 to 5 times the amount of pesticides as an adult. SCARY!
I followed you on twitter! (I’m vivalameaganx3)
Babies are extremely deceptable to pesticide exposure.
Awesome Giveaway!
I added you to my Google Reader
The “Crisis Averted” clip shows what could be possible if we all worked together to combat global climate change.
RSS feed subscriber!
I watched the “Growing the Organic Market” video and learned that Stonyfield uses manure and compost instead of pesticides and fertilizers!
eww ONE BILLION pesticides! that is GROSS!
I learned about the Preserve brand which I use their toothbrush. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more of their products!
By the way, cocoa soap bar?! That sounds crazy good! 🙂
You’re on my Reader!
I learned that pesticides cause diseases like colon cancer and diabetes and can be prevented by eating organic foods :]
i learned that babies are more susceptible to pesticide’s harm.. which makes sense i guess because of their tiny little bodies! i know i was definitely NOT fed all organics as a kid, but it makes me thankful that awareness is growing about this issue!
i’m following you on twitter now!! @SperlyTriRuner
I watched the video about the organic raspberry farmer and learned that organic farming requires working with the environment more and takes longer as it’s an art form that’s not as easy as conventional farming.
I learned that toddlers that eat organic have a healthier immune system!
I tweeted!
I am a follower of your blog!
I watched the video on why we should buy organic as much as possible. The amount of pesticides and antibiotics in our food these days are crazy and totally unneeded. Buying organic is an investment for our health, and the environment in which we live.
I learned that Fruitful Valley is a small family farm, over half of which is organic. I also learned that the Elberta peach was developed by Samuel H. Rumph and named for his wife – how sweet!
I follow you on twitter now – I’m cygirl88
I learned that Stonyfield actually owns the most yogurt in the entire world. YUP, entire world! That’s pretty crazy!
I can’t believe i didn’t get to follow you sooner! I’m following u as Lucky Taste Buds on twitter now! 🙂
I just retweeted your chocolatey giveaway on Twitter! 🙂 Here’s entry #1
Retweet entry #2
I learnt that babies and small children are more susceptible to pestisides.. And how by eating organic we can prevent this. It is so crazy to think how so little of the population is not informed about this, because they are either too concerned about prices or they just dont care enough to find out.
Tweeted you girl
I watched the Ski Champ Farmer video and learned that Bode Miller bought an organic farm in New Hampshire after he became a ski champion. Interesting guy!
I blogged about this giveaway!
I blogged about this giveaway!
I watched “Our Partnership with Preserve” and learned that Preserve is working to re-process #5 plastics, which are generally not re-processed by other companies. They recycle used Stonyfield yogurt cups.