YES! Halloween is almost here!
Time to hand out candy to kids dressed up in ah-dorable costumes, and get props as one of the best houses that hands out candy. We go all out. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers, Snickers….you know the good stuff. And not the mini barely more than a bite size- the bigger pieces! Ever since I was little we always handed out “good” candy. And we give a LOT of candy per person. One might call this egg/shaving cream insurance.
Say what?
As in, we hand out yummy candy, so our house doesn’t get egged or shaving cream all over it. It hasn’t failed us yet! Although I still think we should hand out an apple or two and promote some health.
Just kidding. I want all the apples for myself. HAHA.
Anyway- At Whole Foods the other day I spotted Dancing Deer Baking Co. Peanut Butter Cats and Chocolate Bats cookies. HOW CUTE!!! I thought. And despite the $6.99 price tag (my wallet is still mad at me for that), I bought them.
I took some out, and sure enough, such cute shapes! But…what was up with the “eyeballs”? Some cats/bats barely had any, and some were smeared off…
Ha. The cat one vaguely looks like it has a mustache
from the chocolate crumbs. No? Don’t see it? Alright, maybe I’m crazy…
; )
I tried the peanut butter one first. Obviously. You know my obsession. It was crunchy but thick, and mildly sweet. But…it tasted like a shortbread cookie, with mild peanut butter flavor. Really. A friend of mine tried one and confirmed the very mild peanut butter flavor, which was rather disappointing to me. I felt like I had to smear some peanut butter on it to give it peanut butter flavor! It definitely made me crave a glass of milk, however, as it was a “dry” cookie.
Next up, the chocolate. This one I liked better than the peanut butter cookie. It was sweet but not too sweet, and almost had a dark chocolate brownie flavor to it. It was pretty yummy! I think it would go great with milk or…a smear of peanut butter. But what DOESN’T taste good with peanut butter, really? Obviously, the chocolate ones were better, as they were sweeter and more flavorful.
Perhaps I’m slightly biased. I dont like cats. Maybe if they made the cats chocolate and the bats peanut butter I would have liked the peanut butter cookies better? ….
Ok no I wouldn’t have, but I’m just saying 😉
Overall, 3 stars. These cookies were ok, but nothing special. And where does the 12 grams of sugar come from!? These really aren’t that sweet! But at 3 cookies per serving, not bad! Although the 7 dollar price tag really hurts. It really, really hurts =(
What candy do you hand out/like getting the most on Halloween? Reeses PB Cups for me!!!

egg/shaving cream insurance”
LOL!!!! Good thinking! 😉
hahha its worked so far!!! 😛
i’ve never been a huge candy fiend – i’d go trick or treating and then give all the candy to my mom after! she’d just take it to her work and make her co-workers extra pleased … and extra plump!
hahhaha too funnny! 😛
I want these! There’s a Whole Foods opening up nearby in Pennsylvania. Yes, I will have to cross state lines into PA to do my Whole Foods-ing.
hahahh DO IT!