Healthnuttxo About


Hi, I’m Lisa.

I am a recovered Anorexic, Type 1 Diabetic, and graduate from New York University.

I got my Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, and am pursuing a career as a Physician Assistant. I love lifting heavy and living a healthy lifestyle.

I abused my body for 7 years with an eating disorder, and now only want to fill my body with healthy  foods and exercise.

This blog covers “healthy” product reviews, including anything fitness or health related — Food, sneakers, exercise equipment, and more!

Feel free to contact me if you would like me to review a product by leaving a comment on one of my posts.

Email me at [email protected]

You can follow me on IG at lisa_liftsx

Have a healthy day!
Lisa 🙂

*Disclaimer- Most of the products I was sent were sent to me directly by the company, or I used a coupon to receive the product. However, my reviews are unbiased and unaffected.

*Eating all natural and organic foods is a decision I chose as my lifestyle. I am not a nutritionist or certified registered dietician. I am not a medical professional. All opinions and reviews/recommendations are MINE and MINE alone, and not associated with any company.

* Also, posted nutrition information and ingredients on the reviews are subject to change, so please refer to the company or company website directly if needed.

14 thoughts on “About”

  1. So excited to find this blog! I eat an all natural, highly organic diet, too. I so totally agree that healthy can also be delcious–I wouldn’t eat the way I do if it weren’t either. I’ve also proved to my family just how unhealthy natural and organic can be when it’s made into the right dessert 🙂

  2. glad your liking my page! i totally agree. feel free to leave me some yummy recipes whenever!
    spread the word about my page!! 🙂

  3. I have a subscription service available!
    scroll down- its on the right side of my blog.
    get my posts straight to your email!!

  4. Fantastic blog Lisa. We’re so proud of you.

    -your friends Jamal, Batty, and Cruise.

  5. I have known Lisa aka the healthnut for a couple of years now. She is the most knowledgeable, motivated, and trustworthy person I have ever met. Her reviews are 100% honest as I have witnessed her conduct a bunch myself. I hope you find her as helpful as I have!

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