Browsing Whole Foods the other day (you might think I live in a grocery store the amount of times I ...
Category: Healthnuttxo
Clif Crunch Peanut Butter & White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Granola Bar GIVEAWAY!!!!Clif Crunch Peanut Butter & White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Granola Bar GIVEAWAY!!!!

THIS GIVEAWAY HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL MONDAY, AUGUST 29th 12 pm! You know I love my fans. And I know ...
Exciting News for MarDona Specialty Foods!Exciting News for MarDona Specialty Foods!

Hey guys- you know that healthy eating requires some essentials. Salad dressings for yummy salads, and cooking oils to make ...
Guest Post! Dan from Primrose SchoolsGuest Post! Dan from Primrose Schools
Dan from Primrose Schools contacted me asking to post a rather interesting and informative post about cooking with kids! I ...
Stonyfield Giveaway WINNERS!Stonyfield Giveaway WINNERS!
The 5 winners are, selected randomly by is…. 1. Comment Number 25, Ellie 2. Comment Number 45, Nikki 3. ...
“my favorite things” winner!“my favorite things” winner!
Happy Friday everyone! The winner of the giveaway, chosen randomly via is…. comment number 36, JENNY! with the comment ...
Larabar, Annie’s Homegrown & granola giveaway!!Larabar, Annie’s Homegrown & granola giveaway!!

YAY! I know you all love giveaways, and I hope you guys know how much I appreciate every single one ...
Fun stuff going on at Stonyfield!Fun stuff going on at Stonyfield!
As you guys probably know, Stonyfield Farm is one of my favorite brands of yogurt. Nothing is better than some ...
winner of silk coupon and chico bag!winner of silk coupon and chico bag!
And the winner is…. Cheryl F.! You were selected randomly via Congrats! Please email me so we can get ...
Silk For Milk 10 Day Challenge + GIVEAWAY!Silk For Milk 10 Day Challenge + GIVEAWAY!

Silk contacted me and asked if I would like to participate in the Silk For Milk 10-Day Challenge. I was ...