And here is…. another tasty chip review! I reviewed some tasty nut butters I was sent by Kettle Brand, and now it’s time to review the Aged White Cheddar and Hickory Honey Barbeque Chips I was also generously sent by Kettle Foods. According to the website, these chips have “ 65 percent less fat than regular chips, 2 grams of fiber, 3 […]
4 Star , Kettle Foods , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads
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Kettle Foods Hazelnut Butter
Time for a …..nut butter review! My favorite! 🙂 But, not just ANY nut butter- hazelnut butter! I’ve had plenty of peanut butter in my life, along with cashew and almond butter, but never hazelnut butter. So, I was excited when Kettle Foods sent me a jar of Hazelnut Butter to try. I mean, I like hazelnuts- I’ll admit, I normally leave […]
4 1/2 stars , Kettle Foods , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads
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Kettle Foods Cashew Butter
Did that say, Cashew Butter? Because it really should have said Cashew Better (I have lame jokes, but oh well. 😛 ) Seriously. I have had my share of bad nut butters in the past. In fact, I remember buying a cashew butter a few years ago. I went to the store with my mom, and I remember being SO excited […]