4 1/2 stars , Prepped Foods

American Diabetes Association Complete Month of Meals cookbook + GIVEAWAY!

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Super excited to share this with you guys! Straight from the American Diabetes Association, a complete month of meals cookbook. These are diabetes friendly recipes, WITH full nutritional information and exchanges listed for each recipe. AND A GIVEAWAY FOR YOU!! (scroll to bottom…after you read of course 😉 ) There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, salads, and drinks. […]

3 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , Prepped Foods , Recipes

Outer Spice Original & Spicy seasonings

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I got these spices to try from Outer Spice! I was sent two varieties, the No Salt Spicy version, and the Himilayan Sea Salt Original blend. They have a retail value of roughly $6.99 each.  They are MSG, GMO and Gluten Free, and made from high quality spices and herbs. I used these a few times during cooking. We made […]

3 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Perdue

Perdue Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast

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These things are a staple in my fridge. Any given time of any given day, they will be in there. And….I never tried them. Until now of course. After a quick scan of ingredients and nutritional information accompanying a growling stomach after a workout, I decided the Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast would fit the bill. Here’s […]

4 Star , organic , Ragu

Organic Ragu Garden Veggie Pasta Sauce

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Yesterday night, it was decided to have spaghetti & meatballs for dinner. I cooked up myself some whole wheat spaghetti, vegetarian style meat balls, and this Organic Ragu Garden Veggie Pasta Sauce to have. I don’t always buy organic, but whenever I can, I like to! The nutritional facts were pretty good. For a half cup serving, there was 2.5 […]

4 Star , Pillsbury

Pillsbury Simply… Buttermilk Biscuit

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I finally got around to trying these! It only took passing them a few times in the grocery store saying to myself, I really should get those. They look good. And then being distracted by the fact I needed to buy eggs or something else in the store and forgetting to buy them. HOWEVER, I finally bought them, cooked them, […]

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