The one thing I turn to when I’m insatiably hungry is almonds. They ALWAYS make my hunger pains quite down a little bit and hold me over until I can eat my next meal. However, I am picky when it comes to my almonds. I like them roasted, salted, or even flavored (cinnamon, honey, etc.). So would I really like […]
4 Star , Artisana , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , organic
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Artisana 100% Organic Raw Cashew Butter
MMM cashews. One of my favorite type of nuts, as they are sweet and buttery tasting, and are great salted or even just as is. I always pick them (and pecans!) out of trail mix, and eat those first 🙂 Which brings me to cashew butter, another one of my favorites (right alongside peanut butter, of course!) Artisana sent me […]
3 1/2 stars , Artisana , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , organic
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Artisana Cacao Bliss Raw Chocolate Coconut Butter
Artisana– a company that makes a bunch of nut butters. BUT- these nut butters offer a little something special. They are all raw, organic, and don’t contain any bad fillers or preservatives. Artisana sent me a couple of their nut butters to sample (in the CUTEST little jars that have about 1 Tbsp. of each nut butter in the jar!), […]