General Mills and Star Wars have come together with….#CerealWars! Now, for a limited time, you can get a super cool Star Wars posted inside of some of your favorite General Mills cereals in specially marked boxes 🙂 I got sent two yummy cereals, including my favorite Reeses Puffs, alongside some pretty cool Star Wars posters. The posters were about 1.5 […]
Cereal & Breakfast , General Mills
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General Mills’ Skylanders Game Review + GIVEAWAY
Skylanders! The nice folks at General Mills sent me a package with Reeses Puffs and Honey Nut Cheerios which included the new Skylanders game to do a review of. In the box comes a box of Skylanders cards, which contains a coin (to see who goes first), the directions, and 10 Skylander opponents. You cut the game board out from […]
3 1/2 stars , 3 Star , Cascadian Farm , Cereal & Breakfast
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Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch cereal Vs. General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
VS. I opened up my cabinet the other day and saw two very similar cereals. My cereal, the Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch, and another person living in the house’s cereal, General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Hmmm. I wonder which one tastes and I would like better? I thought. Suddenly, I took out both boxes and put them to the […]