Healthnuttxo Michael Season's Michael Season’s GIVEAWAY!!!

Michael Season’s GIVEAWAY!!!

How lucky are YOU? yet ANOTHER GIVEAWAY!! (*insert applause*)

Need some spice in your life? Lucky for you, Michael Season’s is hosting a Jalapeno Giveaway!  ONE LUCKY WINNER will recieve…

-A bag of Michael Season’s Jalapeno CHEESE PUFFS!
-a reusable tote!
-and a chip clip!

How do you enter?

1. (mandatory) What is your favorite “healthy” junk food swap? These are definitely good when your craving cheetos, but need something healthier and more figure friendly 😉

2.  (*2 extra entries*) Add me to your blogroll/Follow Me!!
*In order to follow me, scroll down to the bottom and click on RSS Feed- then hit follow!*

3. (*2 extra entries*) Link this giveaway to one of your posts.
4. Tweet about this giveaway!
5. Find a friend who has a blog/website if you don’t, and get them to do one of the above. Then, you BOTH get entries! (just make sure to leave a comment!)

Giveaway ends Thursday, May 6th 2010. U.S. residents only, no P.O. boxes

(dont forget- the Silk Almond Milk giveaway ends Saturday. Enter here if you haven’t already!)

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22 thoughts on “Michael Season’s GIVEAWAY!!!”

  1. Yay! I love giveaways! I think the best swap of mine would have to be pb2 in place of peanut butter, but only SOMEtimes. I love my full fat goodness! The other one would def be almond milk in place of reg milk!

  2. Mother’s brand White Cheddar rice cakes!!! I leave them in the sleeve, smash them, then pour it into a bowl like popcorn. OMG.

  3. My favorite heathy food swap is VITA-TOPS! I used to get these huge triple chocolate muffins from Dunkin Donuts, but when I decided to eat healthy and lose weight I had to give them up. Then one day in the grocery store there they were in the freezer section waiting for me to buy every box of every flavor they had. I LOVE you Vita-Tops!

  4. My favorite junk food swap is eating Trader Joe’s flax seed chips – each serving has a few grams of fiber and an impressive 6 grams of protein!

  5. I think my favorite food swap would have to be black bean burgers. I like them even better than regular hamburgers! Thanks for another giveaway opportunity!

  6. A vitabrownie instead of a brownie! Or if I want frosting, I take peanut butter and mix in a bit of sweetener to it and freeze it. It makes it taste like a thick cake frosting and it’s just peanut butter!

  7. I looove eating the Foods Should Taste good chips, especially the sweet potato instead of eating regular potato chips! Its super super yummy!!

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