Healthnuttxo 3 1/2 stars,Gluten Free,Happy Baby,organic HappyBaby Happy Bites Veggie Tots

HappyBaby Happy Bites Veggie Tots

Kiddie food review! Woo-hoo! I love these! Hey, kids need to eat healthy too! But these reviews bring me back to when I was young and Mom & Dad did all the delicious cooking. Aw…

Anyway– HappyBaby has a line, HappyBites, that makes organic meals for toddlers and kids. I was sent a coupon from the company to try a free product in the mail. So, I went to the store, and at the time, I had the choice between “Salmon Stix” and “Veggie Tots” in the freezer section. Hmm.. Veggie Tots sounded much more my style than Salmon Stix. So, Veggie Tots it was!

Each veggie tot is, according to the website, “organic shredded patties packed with ‘hidden vegetables'”, is gluten free, organic, and provides 2 servings of vegetables per veggie tot. The size is about that of a CD, if not a bit smaller. (sorry, I forgot to take a picture when I ate it!)

I took my “tot” out of the freezer and overwrap, and put it in the microwave for a bit, and then heated/toasted it in my toaster oven for some crunch. I believe these are geared to be meals for kids or toddlers, but I certainly couldn’t have just that, so I ate it alongside some applesauce, broccoli, and a soy-style “chicken” patty for my meal.

Looking at the veggie tot, you can CERTAINLY see it was bursting with veggies. There was visible carrots, onions, black beans and corn, all seemed to be mushed together in a potato-like patty. The taste is predominantly potato, a little dry, but overall had a hash brown/tater tot taste. It wasn’t too salty in flavor, with a very mild cheddar cheese and black pepper flavor. The corn and the black beans were also a bit dry, but not bad.

Overall, I can see kids eating these. Especially like I did, I dipped mine in some applesauce which went perfectly with the crispy edges from the toaster oven. I like how it provides 2 servings of vegetables per veggie tot- and, not going to lie, the Cheetah, “Chui”, was cute on the front cover! Kids always seem to love characters- and I’m sure “Chui” will be one of them! 3 1/2 stars

1 Veggie Tot is 110 calories, 3 grams of fat, 18 carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.

Organic Potatoes, Organic Carrots, Organic Corn, Organic red Peppers, Organic Black Beans, Organic Eggs, organic Palm Fruit Oil, Water, Organic Pea Fiber, Organic Cheddar Cheese (Organic pasteurized milk, salt, enzymes), Organic Corn Starch, Organic Onion,
Organic Garlic, Sea Salt, Organic Chili Powder, Organic Parsley, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Cumin

Still a chance to enter the  NUTRIDEL giveaway!! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “HappyBaby Happy Bites Veggie Tots”

  1. That’s interesting! If I were a mom I would definitely be pleased that my kids are eating well…and sneak a few for myself, of course. I love that it’s really veggieful!

  2. These look so cute!! I’ve actually seen them a few times at the health food store but never bought them. I might give them a try next time! I love how many companies are coming out with healthy kid products!!

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