Healthnuttxo 4 1/2 stars,4 Star,Fruit/Fruity Snacks,Musselman's Musselman’s Lite Cinnamon and Totally Fruit Peach Applesauce

Musselman’s Lite Cinnamon and Totally Fruit Peach Applesauce

One of my favorite things to eat is apples, and I find that I enjoy them in one form or another pretty much every day. This includes the actual fruit, apple juice, applesauce, or even, apple pie! It’s one of my favorite fruits, and very versatile.

Which is why I was very happy to try the products I was generously sent by Musselman’s, like their Totally Fruit Peach applesauce and the Lite Cinnamon applesauce.

First up, the Totally Fruit Peach applesauce. The package these came in states that there is “no high fructose corn syrup” and, that they are “Sweetened with Fruit Juice Concentrate”. Awesome! I love when things are naturally sweetened 🙂

The taste is really good. It was sweeter than what I’m used to, because I normally go for unsweetened versions of applesauce, but still not too sweet. The flavor kind of reminded me of a peach pie filling, and was thick and slightly “bumpy” in texture. Overall it had a strong peach flavor, with apple undertones. I would give this flavor 4 stars.  I do like that it is sweetened naturally, but each 4 oz. cup is also 90 calories which is a bit high for someone like me who could probably eat applesauce all day long 😀

One 4oz cup is 0 grams of fat, 22 carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 18 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein.

Apples, Apple Concentrate, Water, Peach Puree, Natural Color and natural Flavor, Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) to maintain color.

Now, onto the Lite Cinnamon applesauce. This applesauce is sweetened with Splenda, and according to the website, this applesauce has “1/3 less calories and fewer carbs than original, sweetened apple sauce.”


Well, you CERTAINLY could not tell that it was a “Lite” applesauce, because it was BIG on flavor! Seriosuly, this is my new go-to cinnamon flavored applesauce. A thicker, yet slightly bumpy texture, it was absolutely delicious. It was sweet with just the right amount of cinnamon, I enjoyed it cold and I warmed up some in a separate bowl in the microwave. DELICIOUS! This one gets 4 1/2 stars in my opinion, because it does use an artificial sweetener, Splenda, but is still too yummy to pass up. 🙂

One 4 oz cup is 50 calories, 0 grams of fat, 13 carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 8 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

Apples, Water, Cinnamon, Ascorbic Acid to maintain color and Sucralose (a non-nutritive sweetner).

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