Vitalicious generously sent me a sampler pack of some of their products, including the Banana Nut and CranBran Vitatops. I was excited for these- especially the Banana Nut flavor- I’m a big fan of banana bread, and at only 100 calories per VitaTop? I’m in!! 🙂
Banana Nut VitaTop- wow! It was much thicker than I had expected, with a good amount of walnut/walnut pieces on top! It tastes similar to banana bread, but not as sweet as I usually have. The walnuts added a nice touch, and a little crunch which was nice. This one was actually quite tasty, and I liked how it was low in sugar and fat. I do wish it was a little bit sweeter, and it was a little bit dry, but I’m giving it 4 stars. I think next time I try it I might spread some peanut butter on it! 🙂
CranBran VitaTop- yum yum yum yum! This one is sooo good. I loved the little bits of cranberries on top, that were tangy but still sweet. This VitaTop was a bit more chewy and “grainy” in texture, but very good. I spread a little bit of butter on this one and toasted it, and was perfect. Delicious, filling and the perfect amount of sweetness. 5 stars 😀
Overall, these are awesome! I definetely reccomend trying the CranBran VitaTop, as I really enjoyed that one. I like how these are a good size for only 100 calories, and provide some filling fiber ! I can see myself buying these in the future 🙂
* Have you ever tried Vitalicious VitaTops? If you want, please tell me your favorite flavor/way to enjoy the VitaTop in the comment box!* 🙂
For information about ingredients & nutritional information, you can visit the website here

I’ve been eating Vita-Tops for over a year now, and i’ve tried every flavor they make. Lately they have been promoting how delish these are toasted, which I have never done before. So this morning I got out a banana nut vita top, let it thaw in my refrigerator and then when I was ready to eat I put it in the toaster. OMG IT WAS SOOO GOOD! A nice crunchy outside and soft moist inside. This is defiantly my new favorite way to eat my Vita-Tops!
That sounds great! I’ll have to try that!!
I like to corn muffin. It is not to sweet and it is perfect with jam or butter.
the chocolate tops are fabulous warmed up in the toaster oven and a nice glass of skim milk. what a treat!
i love the vita chocolate muffins..but hated the price and created my own version.. they pretty much taste the same and are way cheaper…if your interested it’s under the ‘triple chocolate chunk muffin’ recipe and let me know what you think if you make them! 🙂
yea! I saw those! I keep meaning the try them, I have to buy some cocoa powder, i keep forgetting and thats whats holding me back! haha