Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Cereal & Breakfast Uncle Sam Original Cereal Review & Giveaway!

Uncle Sam Original Cereal Review & Giveaway!

Oh, yes. It’s time for another GIVEAWAY! (but first a review!)

I was sent a free box of Uncle Sam Cereal Original to try, and must say it’s not quite like other cereals I have eaten in the past. First, according to the box, this cereal has
-10g fiber
– Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Flaxseed
-Less than 1g sugar
” .

That’s some pretty impressive stuff right there. 3/4 of a cup, TEN grams of fiber? WOW!

So I opened up my box and saw a bunch of brown pieces of cereals, and brown flax seeds. The cereal pieces were small, and sort of looked like brown crispy rice. I tasted a handful, and, they sort of tasted like that too! It really reminded me of brown crispy rice cereal, but much harder and cunchier. I certainly agree with the front of the box’s description of “Toasted Whole-Wheat Flakes”, because it had a wonderful toasted taste! I actually, to be honest, did not expect to like this as much as I did. Normally I prefer sweeter cereals, and while this cereal was not too sweet, it definitely still had quite a bit of flavor! I also really enjoyed the crunchiness and the all natural ingredients- 4 stars!

1 serving (3/4 cup) of cereal is 190 calories, 5 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 10 grams of fiber, less than 1 gram of sugar, and 7 grams of protein.

Now, would YOU like to win a box of Uncle Sam Original Cereal?

Here’s how you can enter!

* PLEASE leave a comment for each, thank you!! : )  *

* Mandatory Entry*

1. What’s your favorite cereal when you were younger, and/or what’s your favorite cereal now? If you are not a fan of cereal, what do you like to eat for breakfast?

*Optional Entries*

2. Add me to your blog roll/ google reader!
3. Follow me on Twitter!
4. Tweet about this giveaway!
5. 2 ENTRIES! Blog about this giveaway, and please leave a link in the comment section!

Contest open to U.S. citizens only. Will end Saturday, August 7th 2010 12 PM.

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38 thoughts on “Uncle Sam Original Cereal Review & Giveaway!”

  1. An avid cereal fan, narrowing it down to one favorite is quite tough. I’d probably say Cinnamon Chex or Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran is a favorite of mine, though there are MANY others I absolutely adore, as well. As a child, my favorite cereals included Life, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, and Crispix! While they are still favorites, my cereal repetoire has expanded over the years! <3

    P.S. You're on my blogroll!

  2. When I was younger, my favorite cereal was Lucky Charms (although I was only allowed to have it for dessert!) Now my favorite cereal is anything Kashi. I love to mix Kashi GoLean, GoLean crunch, and any other boxes I have in the house at the time!

  3. My fave was anything chocolaty. I think it would probably have to be Coco Puffs! My fave now is probably Peanut Butter Puffins!

  4. My favorite cereal growing up was Cheerios – how boring is that? My favorite cereal now is Kashi Go Lean. I love that it tastes great, has low sugar, and a ton of fiber and protein!

  5. I have always loved Honey Nut Cheerios! When I was little, Lucky Charms were my absolute favorite!

  6. When I was younger my favorite cereal was Kellogg’s Cracklin’ Oat Bran. I would eat that “crack” in handfuls straight out of the box! Now my favorite is Kashi Go Lean Crunch! Just as addictive =P

  7. My favorite cereals were corn pops and cocoa puffs. Of course, now I’ve graduated to eating “adult” cereals like Kashi and Great Grains. I’d love to try Uncle Sam!

  8. I love Kashi Go Lean. Cascadia Farm’s granola is also amazing. When I’m not in the mood for cereal, I have to have bagels, preferably whole wheat.

  9. My favorite cereal when I was younger was Cinnamon Toast Crunch and my favorite cereal now is Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares. Haha, kind of the adult version. 😉

  10. My favorite cereal when I was younger was Honey Nut Cherrios, and now it’s Special K Fruit and Yogurt.

  11. My favorite cereal as a kid was Reece’s peanutbutter puffs. I wasn’t allowed to have them, unless it was a special occasion, like christmas morning. Now, I eat mostly hot cereal or Kashi go lean. This cereal sounds like it could be good.

  12. My favorite childhood cereal was probably Corn Pops. Nowadays I like Honey Bunch of Oats and Nature’s Path flax flakes

  13. Back in the day I loved Cocoa Puffs. Now, I prefer to fill up on better cereals, such as Kashi Go Lean. With fresh berries, it is a dream. (Apparently I’m a poet and didn’t even know it…)

  14. My favorite cereal when i was younger was oreo o’s but now I am in love with any shredded wheats, especially the frosted kind!

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