Simply Scrumptous had sent me some samples from their line of Fit & Flavorful Fat Free products. I have reviewed some of their other products they sent me already, but 2 of my favorites that I was sent are the Fat Free Chocolate Covered Donut and Fat Free Mom’s Apple Pie Muffin.
Fat Free Chocolate Covered Donut- I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first. I didn’t expect a fat free product to be as moist and delicious as this was. A good sized donut, it had a fluffy base, with a nice vanilla flavor. It was very sweet and absolutely delicious. The chocolate icing was the best part- chocolately, smooth and actually a decent amount. De-LISH! 😀 4 1/2 stars
Fat Free Mom’s Apple Pie Muffin- WOW! I really liked this! Although it was a tad bit small, it was very sweet, moist and really did remind me of “Mom’s Apple Pie”! I especially loved the nice cinnamon flavor, and the chunks of apple that were in the muffin. It was sticky, sweet and delicious! 4 1/2 stars
Of the products I’ve tried, I seem to really enjoy Simply Scrumptous’ Fit & Flavorful Fat Free line of products. And, these two are just amazing! 🙂
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