Healthnuttxo 3 1/2 stars,4 1/2 stars,Fruit/Fruity Snacks,Musselman's Musselman’s Apple Butter & Apple Cider review and GIVEAWAY!!!!

Musselman’s Apple Butter & Apple Cider review and GIVEAWAY!!!!


Yes! It’s that time again- A GIVEAWAY!!! But first, a review of some tasty products!

Musselman’s Apple Butter-

Oh my goodness. This stuff is TOTALLY AWESOME! It was thick, brown and smooth, and had a great apple flavor. It was sweet, sweet like candy, and absolutely delicious. The cinnamon flavor was perfect, and I can’t even describe how tasty this was. I could totally (and did totally) eat it right out of the jar with a spoon. I can’t wait to stir it into hot oatmeal ๐Ÿ™‚

This one gets 4 1/2 stars. Although it deserves 5 stars for flavor, and it is one of the most delicious products I have ever had, it ย has both added sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup : ( But, it’s still really awesome, so it gets 4 1/2 stars from me! : )

Musselman’s Apple Cider-

First things first, the person I was with said for me to shake this up, and I advise you to do the same. It was a bit piecy at the bottom, but nothing a little shake of the bottle couldn’t fix. First I tried it cold, and it was sort of like a watered down apple juice. Sweet but didn’t have that apple-y kick I’m used to with apple juice. So, the person who told me to shake it, also advised me to have it warm.

Great idea! This was much better warm than cold. It was sweeter, and had a very pure apple flavor,sort of like squeezing the juice right from the apple flesh. Mmm. 3 1/2 stars

Now…. the GIVEAWAY!

I was given ย the Apple Butter and Apple Cider by Musselman’s for free to do a review(how could I refuse!? I love apples!), and was given an extra Apple Butter and Apple Cider. So, what better way to spread the love then to host a giveaway!?!

How to enter…

PLEASE leave a comment for EACH entry. If it’s two entries, please leave TWO comments, etc. Thank you!!


1. What’s your favorite product containing apples? I happen to love pretty much apple anything, but I LOVE apple pie or baked apples. MMM!


2. Follow me on Twitter! (link is under the About Me page)
3. Tweet about this giveaway!
4. Leave a comment on any of my other reviews!
5. Post this giveaway on your blog post. Please leave a link! (3 entries!)

Open to U.S. Residents Only. Contest ends November 20th 2010.

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33 thoughts on “Musselman’s Apple Butter & Apple Cider review and GIVEAWAY!!!!”

  1. I posted a comment on your Chocolite Chocolate Pecan Cluster review.

    Thanks for this giveaway!

  2. I’m not a ‘member’ of twitter, but I follow you on my google reader if that counts. If not, then pls disregard. Thanks!!

  3. I love apple fritters, my sister makes the best!
    I believe an apple product a day is a healthy way!

  4. I LOVE anything with apples, I have to say though that I’m a big fan of warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, YUM! Or Apple coffee cake. Thanks for entering me into this giveaway.

  5. Mmm I think a simple apple with peanut butter is my favorite way to enjoy an apple. Apple pie comes in a close second though!

  6. I think my favorite way to eat apples is simply with nut butter. Anything with apples is amazing though, especially oatmeal!

  7. My favorte Apple product would be just Apples with PB=) If I need to choose a specific item I would say Apple Cider!
    Thanks bunches~I’d love to try these products!
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  8. Love just plain apples. Or apples with pb and yogurt…and sometimes a little granola or cereal added to the mix…yum!

  9. Baked Apples, definitely. So wonderful, nice and warm, laden with cinnamon and maybe even a drizzle of maple syrup!

  10. I love the Odwalla Super Food, Heart Heath smoothies. The apples in them give it great flavor and sweetness.

  11. Oh gosh.. I love apples in a varitey of ways..Mainly Apple Crisps, Crumbles, or Tarts. But you got to love Applesauce and apples with dip!! YUM

  12. Nothing beats a nice warm mug of apple cider! Well, you could add a slice of warm apple pie to it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. It’s funny you ask this, becuase I just ate an apple turnover and it was yummy! But really I’d have to say my favorite way to eat apples is straight up just the way they are ๐Ÿ™‚

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