I’m an oatmeal kind of girl.
Well….. I mean I eat cold cereal for breakfast 6 out of 7 days of the week, but oatmeal is certainly on the top of my list for things I like to eat. I just hate cleaning pots and instant oatmeal is never as satifying as stove top. SO basically, I’m a lazy oatmeal lover, where if it’s there, I’ll eat it, but if I have to cook it, I might just have cold cereal and wish it was oatmeal. But what about an oatmeal square?
Corazonas Chocolate Brownie & Almonds Oatmeal Squares got me covered. They incorporate the oats that I really should eat more often, and pair it up with chocolate. And almonds. And according to the wrapper, also “.8 grams of Plant Sterols” and “15g of Whole Grain”. That’s my kind of snack.
Chewy and fudgy in consistency, with some chewier peices that had the consistency of uncooked oats.It was very moist, and could easily be pulled apart. Lightly sweet, with more of a deep cocoa rather than chocolate flavor. I wouldn’t say this screamed “ALMOND” flavor, but there was a hint of almond flavor that went well with the fudgy chocolate flavor. I do think it reminded me of a brownie, but certainly a healthier type of brownie. It wasn’t overly sweet like brownies can be, but it did have somewhat of a rich flavor. Also, it still made me want to either
1. Grab a tablespoon of peanut butter to smear on top
2. Grab a cup of milk to eat with this
3. All of the above
(Can you guess which one I did?) (;
Overall, 4 stars. I like it. It’s a little small, but it’s a good snack for me on the go or before a workout, or to pair with some fruit and a glass of milk for a light breakfast. I like that it was sweet enough to feel desserty, but not too sweet where I have a headache. (headaches from sugar? Not. Fun. Been there, done that, too many times. You think I’d learn! I never do).
So….if you HAD to choose… Cereal or Oatmeal for breakfast? tough choice, I know!
I was provided this bar to try, free of charge.

For some reason I can’t find vita brownies any more, and I’ve been dying for a “health[ier]” pre-packaged one. Where did you find these, lover?!?
the company sent me these, BUT, ive seen them before at King Kullen and maybe stop and shop? Try this link to put in your zip code! 🙂 http://www.corazonas.com/find-a-store
Depends on the weather and setting. In cooler weather, if I’ve got time, I’m going cereal with yogurt and fruit. If I’m on the go I’ll have it dry (I like to mix up cheerios with nuts and cocoa puffs) and if it’s cold outside I want some oatmeal. With dried figs and bacon, please.
This looks super yummy, I to am an oatmeal lover. I totally feel you on the too much sugar headaches, but usually for me its a stomach ache. You think I would learn by now but I don’t.
hahah same! sugar is too tempting to give up anyway 😉
hahah dried figs and bacon!, fancy fancy 😉
I hear ya- oatmeal is perfect on those cold days!
Hmm… I can’t choose! I like to top my oatmeal with cereal. Is that cheating? 😉
hahhaa, nope, totally allowed in my game! 🙂
oh, i choose oatmeal any day1 cereal never feels me up. i do eat my oats cold though, so it’s like the best of both worlds! 🙂
Oatmeal all the way! Cereal never holds me over ^^
hahha I would agree on that- but cereal is perfect pre workout!! 🙂
cold oats?! who would have thought. sounds so interesting! 🙂
Mm this looks good, i love raw oat bars like this, theyre so satisfying and filling yum! Oooh i dont know its hard to decide between cereal and oatmeal..i guess it would be what the cereal was!
it was pretty good!!! if you ever try it, let me know how you like it! 🙂
I really liked the peanut butter version of these.
I got those too- review coming soon for my opinion 🙂