I know what your thinking.
What are these doing on a healthy food and product blog?
If it’s any consolation, I didn’t buy these. A friend of mine did. But I took a peek at the ingredients, and well, they were natural. And, well, I was in the mood for a sweet treat. See the connection? =)
So out came Snackwell’s Fudge Drizzled Caramel Popcorn.
I tried a few pieces, and thought they were so overly sweet. They tasted like caramel popcorn, but very sweet caramel popcorn, with the added “fudge drizzle”. I don’t think the fudge drizzle is really even all that necessary, because while the flavor is there, its not that prominent. It was sort of like a chocolatey undertone.
There is only about 3 grams of fat and brown sugar is first ingredient, so it definitely has more of a candy appeal than a savory. It does have a slightly salty flavor as well, but certainly mostly sweet.
The popcorn is crunchy, which is good, and I would estimate about 25-35 pieces of popcorn per bag, which isn’t bad for 130 calories. Instead of eating straight up, I’d like to mix this in something. A trail mix, or even a bag of buttered popcorn as a “treat”. I think its way tooooo sweet to eat by itself, but if super sweet’s your thing, you’d might like this!
A friend of mine tried this, and she really liked it. But then again, she is guilty for buying carrot cake solely to eat the entire icing off the top and throw away the cake. Although she won’t admit it, but I’ve seen her do it.
I on the other hand, probably wont eat this again. There is 18 grams of sugar ( which I believe is 4 and a half teaspoons!) in one little bag, so really, it was way too sweet for me. In fact, I think I feel a cavity coming on ( just kidding). 3 stars

Hey, but your a seriouse athlete right? These make a fine pick me up during a workout! I’ve had them and like them a lot. While I’m partial to the classic cracker jack and the sweet and salty appeal, these are definetly up there.
I’ve seen these and have been wanting to try them for a while so thanks for the review 🙂 What do you think about the Snackwells packaging? I know it’s been out for a while but I can’t decide if I like it or not – it’s so dang bright!
very true. They would come in handy when I need a sugar burst! While I do eat a lot of calories from working out a lot, a lot of them dont have a lot of sugar in it (since Im also a diabetic). perhaps thats why I found these a bit too sweet for me. But hey, Im also a lover of cracker jacks!! too bad the prizes aren’t as good as they used to be hahha 🙂
hahah I KNOW! They probably did it on purpose to people shopping would be like, ”Ooh, whats THAT?! Lets buy it!” haha that certainly is what happened for my friend who bought them 😉
Sorry Lisa, didn’t realize you were diabetic. But really, Snackwells has a horrible reputation, but I’ve always liked their products (same with pretty much every 100 calorie, empty sugar product haha.) I’ve also tried the brownie bites of these things and liked them a lot.
ah, no worries at all 🙂 yea I saw that the ingredients were natural, so I was like, Ok, let’s try em!! I’ll keep an eye out for the brownie ones. I’m sure my friend who bought the popcorn would be down for buying those as well hahah 🙂
I think I would like these, I do have a rather large sweet tooth. Maybe crushed up on some greek yogurt. Yum! Btw, I love your blog, I’ve been reading it for over a year now. I just started my own food review blog and put you on my blog list. You can check it out here, thanks!
ah great! Thanks for stopping by and being a fan 🙂
your officially on the HealthNuttxo blogroll 😉