Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Equipment & Products Reebok RealFlex Sneakers

Reebok RealFlex Sneakers

As I mentioned before, I’m one of those people that loves to exercise. My primary forms of exercise include kickboxing, biking and strength training, along with occasional walks. I happen to love Asics when it comes to sneakers, and I was using Asics running sneakers knowing that I probably should be getting cross training sneakers. Which makes sense, doesn’t it? If I’m barely running, why get running sneakers?

Well, the story behind that is that ever since high school when I did track, I loved Asics, so I kind of just stuck with a brand name I loved. However, I went to the stores today and saw these sneakers that caught my eye. When the cashier told me I could use them as cross training sneakers, I knew I had to try them. I looked on the website about these sneakers, and saw they were meant for running as well.

I thought it was cute that the website said the shoes had “76 Running Buddies”, or squares on the bottom on the shoes.

I tried them on at the store, and I really liked them. They were super light weight on top, but felt very supportive and squishy on the bottom. I believe I even said It “felt like walking on mini marshmallows”. Don’t laugh at me =)

I got them for $90.00, which I thought was a bit steep, but a good investment. I rationalized that I wouldn’t need a new pair for another 6-8 months, so it was kind of like paying 12-15$ a month. I mean, if you could rent shoes and all…

But ANYWAY. The real test came when it was time to work out. I laced em up and used them at my cardio kickboxing classes. At first, they felt kind of weird. I was afraid I was going to roll my ankle because the top part of the shoe is very soft and cloth-like rather than a tough and thick top of a sneaker, like one made leather or what not. I felt slightly unsturdy with the ankle area, but only when we did lateral movements, like lunges where we lean to the left foot and then quickly to the right.

As class went on, I realized the support elsewhere was actually pretty good. I felt absolutely no pain or pressure in my knees, which I really liked. I also liked that the shoes felt so light, so kicking the bag felt easier than usual. I had to adjust the shoe once (untie and retie the knot) because after the lunges I felt my foot was slipping slightly in the shoe. I’m sure I will get used to them as time goes on.

Another thing I liked (which I have heard several times from people are the main reason they buy a shoe)? They looked really nice! I liked the color scheme, and they were attractive to the eye. I’ll be using these only indoors, so whoever goes to my gym or lives in my house will probably only see these pretty shoes until I buy a new pair. Which, again, I hope will be 6-8 months from now.

Overall? A pretty good shoe. I haven’t tried them running as of yet, but I’d love to hear your thoughts if you bought these or tried them out! 4 stars

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5 thoughts on “Reebok RealFlex Sneakers”

  1. hahahhaha I can see how rubber might not adjust well to some people’s systems- more helpful on the feet anyway 😉

  2. yea there pretty good! I tried them out running, and liked them even more than I did at kickboxing. No knee pain!! woo!! 🙂

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