Healthnuttxo 4 Star,ProScotti ProScotti Almond-Orange Biscotti

ProScotti Almond-Orange Biscotti

I’m a total protein convert. Don’t get me wrong. I love my carbs (especially in the form of cupcakes and cookies…oh… and bread...=) ), but I’m much more into protein, especially since I have a high activity level. Greek yogurt? Yup. Cottage cheese? Yup. Protein shakes? You bet.

So, if given the opportunity to eat something dessert-worthy, like a biscotti, WITH protein? You know I’m going to be happy about that !

I already reviewed the Mocha Chocolate Chip ProScotti. These are soft biscotti cookies with protein and omega-3’s in them as the package states.

Next up, I tried the ProScotti Almond-Orange Biscotti. They came with 2 in a pack and had a really awesome aroma to them. I thought it kind of smelled like  a cranberry almond muffins my family used to always have in the house when I was little. Every Saturday morning someone would toast up the cranberry almond muffin, and the aroma would fill the house. The smell of these ProScotti reminded me of just that.

It was very soft and almost a bit crumbly when I bit into it. It was pretty sweet, and very delicious. It had a delicious orange zest flavor, but almond undertones, and a hint of vanilla as well. I certainly think this flavor will satisfy a sweet tooth, because I felt like I could taste the sugar in it. I looked at the nutritional facts and found there to be 20 grams of sugar in the pack, so it makes sense that they are sweet.

Overall, I like these! I liked them more thanI liked the Mocha Chocolate Chip Flavor. Even though I got these for free from the company, I would certainly buy and eat them in the future. I love the protein, the omega-3’s, and that they are made with pretty minimal ingredients. The only down fall is that the sugar content is a bit high. 4 stars

Oranges- do you like them? Or could you do without them? Personally, I hate eating oranges. I like orange juice, and I LOVE clementines (or rather, I like to eat the juice out of clementines!) but something about the pulp in oranges really turns me off. I’m much more of an apple kind of girl 😉

1 package is 194 calories, 5.2 grams of fat, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of sugar, and 12.7 grams of protein.

I was provided this product to try for free from the company.

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6 thoughts on “ProScotti Almond-Orange Biscotti”

  1. I dislike most orange things! I find they’re just so acidic, some are a little more painful than pleasurable to eat! Same goes with orange juice- it just makes me feel more sluggish.
    Definitely with you on the apples though 😉

  2. I dont think I have had the pleasure of ever having freshly squeezed- but I cant see how it wouldnt taste good!! 🙂

  3. I don’t care what anyone says, frshly grated orange zest will add a fruity oil and lightness to any dish. Makes a nice topping for yogurt with citrus mix-ins, or oatmeal for that matter.

    But I douldn’t do biscotti that was oatmeal. If I want that kind of protein, I’m gonna just fry up two eggs in the drippings of a slice of bacon. Total cost is maybe 50 cents. And damn good, too.

  4. cant go wrong with fried eggs! I like mine scrambled with butter & maple syrup 🙂

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