It’s a sad day for me in Amy’s Kitchen world.
First off, you guys should (hopefully!!) know by now how much of a fan I am of Amy’s meals. I love a lot of the entrees, and never had a problem with any of them in the past. In fact, I continue to eat Amy’s Kitchen meals (despite the hefty 5-6$ price each!) on a daily basis.
So, to try something new, I picked up the Amy’s Kitchen Thai Coconut Soup. If it was anything like the Thai Stir Fry Meal (one of my FAVORITES!) I was sure I was going to like it. So I opened the can and poured it into a pot. I was really taken aback. Why was this so thin? I thought. From the front of the can, I was sure it was going to be thick and creamy. Instead, it was almost like a thin broth, with a few vegetables scattered. Here’s what it looked like after it was done cooking.
Wait…RED-ORANGE? Why wasn’t it white like the can?
Whatever, I thought, pictures on the front never really look like how the product actually looks like anyway.
So I took a spoonful, excited to try. I was hoping for a creamy and rich tasting soup with coconut flavor. However….it really wasn’t like that at all. Like I said, there were very few veggies. In fact, here’s the size of the pot I used
And here’s the amount of veggies in the soup after I poured out the broth.
So not much veggie action going on there. Or, veggie and tofu action. But, even with the vegetables that were there, I was diasppointed. The carrots were very mushy, green beans kind of the same, the tofu was alright but bland, and the random leaves- I think they were bay leafs?, I threw (ahem, recycled) the can before I wrote this up so I forgot to check the ingredients. Regardless, I wasn’t a fan of the veggies : (
I wasn’t really a fan of the flavor of this soup either. Like I said it was very thin, with almost a tomatoey flavor. There also was an awkward spice to it, that reminded me of cayenne pepper. I didn’t get to finish this soup, so I heated up a delicious meal I knew I would love – Amy’s Enchiladas in the microwave. Good thing for back up! =)
Overall, 1 1/2 stars. I really didn’t enjoy this, but if you tried this, I’d LOVE to know your thoughts!
Question- what’s your favorite thing involving coconut? Mine is definitely Amy’s Kitchen Thai Stir Fry, which I’m pretty sure is made with coconut milk!! =)

Lol what veggies? I see like…none. Shame, Amy’s doesn’t usually skimp like that!
My favorite thing made with coconut is magic shell.
I had to get creative because I dont really like coconut lol C:
hhahaha magic shell, like that ice cream topping that hardens?
Amy’s Soups are awful. The ‘No Chicken Noodle Soup’ tastes like nothing but an onion gone bad. The black bean is watery and flavorless. The vegetable is like a sour tomato.
I avoid their soups. However, it seems like half my paycheck goes to their frozen meals, especially the Light and Lean Pasta. Amazing!!
aw, how disappointing! I think I have a few you just mentioned in my closet LOL
and yea, agreed! their frozen dinners are well worth half my (ok…most of it) paycheck too!!