Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Cookies/Baked Goods,Newman's Own Organics,organic Newman’s Own Organics Ginger Snap Cookies

Newman’s Own Organics Ginger Snap Cookies

New product!! ( insert whoops and hollers here!) Newman’s Own Organics contacted me and asked if I wanted to try some of their new cookies for free. Of COURSE I agreed, seeing as I’m a big fan of Newman’s Own Organics. They sent me two flavors to try for free, including these Ginger Snap Cookies.

**On a quick side note, apologies for the less-than-spectacular photography. It’s hard to get a smooth looking picture with those crinkly-type bags, but I did my best! **

I opened up the bag and was instantly greeted by a fresh smell of ginger. The smell actually reminded me of Christmas time, with gingerbread cookies! I decided to share these with a friend, who happily obliged to take part in the taste testing.

I hear such awesome things about Ginger. Like, for instance, I hear it has medicinal powers for the stomach. In fact, I had a bit of a stomachache today, and my friend suggested to have a few of these Ginger Snap Cookies. Wonder if the ginger in cookies counts? =P

After taking a bite, I knew one thing. These were exactly how a Ginger Snap should feel and taste. They were rather hard and crunchy (as my friend noted, a cookie meant to be bitten on the SIDE of the mouth!) with a high taste of ginger. Really- you can CERTAINLY taste the ginger. It even left a slight after “burn” once I finished eating the cookie!

The cookie was mildly sweet, and really quite good. I can picture them being delicious with an ice cold class of milk (or almond milk!). My friend noted that she thought they would be delicious with tiny pieces of raisins scattered throughout the cookie. Looking back on it, I agreed. It would bring a touch more sweetness to the cookie!

Overall, a really delicious Ginger Snap. I think the Ginger level was a wee bit too high for me, but for those who love Ginger Snaps, I am sure you will love these! My friend had about 6 or 7 of them before the taste test was over! Guess she was a fan  😉

4 stars

Are you a fan of ginger? How do you use/eat it?

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6 thoughts on “Newman’s Own Organics Ginger Snap Cookies”

  1. yea!! def try them! There new, so they might not be out yet (im not 100% sure) but keep an eye out!!! I suspect Whole Foods will have them soon 🙂

  2. thank you! always welcome to read new blogs- Ill have to check yours out soon!!
    and, well, there made with organic ingredients I believe so at least thats mildly healthier 😉

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