Tis the season (can I say that if it’s not Christmas time??) for pumpkin flavored items. You’ve seen them all over for sure. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin drinks….and a new one for me. The Pumpkin Cupcake by Crumbs Bake Shop.
Was I excited? Uh, YEA I was excited. Even AFTER paying $3.75 for one cupcake and choking down the 560 calorie price tag (WAY too much. Even too much for a “snack” if a person shares this cupcake!). But whatever. Only live once right? Could I honestly go to November, when this pumpkin cupcake will (most likely) be long gone saying, oh, I wish I tried it at least…
Well, obvously not. Because I bought it, and I ate it. But did I like it?
I was hopeful. The first bite was awesome. I thought I was REALLY going to like this. But then I kept eating it, and with each bite lost a little bit of hope in my little pumpkin friend.
For starters, this was such a soft cupcake. A friend of mine who tried this as well said it was like a pumpkin muffin and I agreed. There was certainly a delicious pumpkin flavor, and it had raisins in it as well. The raisins were so unexpected. Id just be eating and then get this soft chewy thing…OH a raisin! I could taste a bit of cinnamon/nutmeg too, which I really liked. The cupcake as a whole was pretty sweet, and I tasted some ORANGE ZEST in it as well. It was a tad on the dry side, and I felt like I really needed a glass of milk to go with it!
The single walnut on top was crunchy, and more for decoration purposes than taste for me, as it was just ok tasting. Nothing special.
The frosting, even though the orange freaked me out a bit just thinking of how much food coloring was in it, was super soft and creamy. It was almost like a whipped frosting.
BUT…..I did NOT really like the frosting. It had too much of a buttery/ tangy cream cheese flavor that I really did not enjoy. The first bite was good, then as I continued to eat it, I tasted more of the tang. It was really offputting for me and I felt like it did not mesh well with the pumpkin flavors/cake part. I did, however, like the chocolate drizzle on top of the frosting. It added a little bit of a treat!
Overall, it was ok. The icing turned me off too much. Too buttery tasting! I probably wont buy it again. And I’m kind of upset, I could have totally used those calories elsewhere. Oh well.
2 1/2 stars

Mmm that color…no really that’s actually a little creepy.
Maybe they were going for a sour cream topping because sour cream goes in a pumpkin pie…?
haha I dont know, but it ruined it for me! a simple vanilla would have been great! lol
ahh such a bummer that it was a dud!
I know! I was disappointed =(
awww a pumpkin cupcake sounds so good! too bad it didn’t taste the best though 🙁
ah I know! I was like, why isn’t this as good as it SHOULD be! haha
the raisins and cream cheese frosting sound more like a pumpkin/carrot cake hybrid.
as for being too many calories – depends on the person 😀
I’ve still never been to a crumbs. You’re so lucky with all of the options in NYC.
true. but 560 calories is quite a chunk of cals if your on a 2,000 calorie diet !
and….come visit! we’ll get cupcakes together 😀
I just experienced a heart palpitation over that calorie-price-tag. No, really. My breathing is pretty shallow right now, too. Get me outta here….