Healthnuttxo 4 1/2 stars,Restaurant Reviews Crumbs Raspberry Hamentashen

Crumbs Raspberry Hamentashen


Yes, I had no idea what it was when I bought it. So if you know, props to you. I was told by a friend that it was a Jewish cookie, and to this moment that’s all I still really know about it. (So please, if you know anything, let me know!)

Regardless, amongst all the heavily frosted cupcakes and cookies available at Crumbs, I picked the Hamentashen. I didn’t want an overload of sugar, but I wanted something sweet and delicious. I picked up one of these for a little over 2 dollars each, and got the Raspberry flavor.

When I picked the Hamentashen, the lady behind the counter was confused. She asked why I purchased such a “grown up” cookie amongst all the cookies and cupcakes. Uhoh. Would this taste good??

The cookie basically had a “cookie/dry” part and a fruity/jam-like center. When I first tasted it, it reminded me of pie. And…I LOVE PIE.

The cookie part was crunchy on the outer edges, but as you get closer to the middle it was super soft, like the inner pie crust. It was buttery tasting and mildly sweet, and kind of reminded me of a butter/shortbread cookie.

The fruit on the inside, not scarce at all, was smooth and sweet, and also very fresh. I was afraid raspberry would be overly tart, but it wasn’t. It had a mild bit of tartness, and that’s it. AND, there was a lot of fruit filling!  To prove it, here’s a little pic

Overall, yes, it’s not a SUPER sugary cookie, but it was rather big (about size of my hand) and really good! I’ve already bought a couple more after eating my first one, and they do not disappoint! And, only 110 calories! Which is awesome given the 500-600+ calorie cupcakes/treats there!

4.5 stars

What’s your FAVORITE holiday cookie or cookie in general ( besides chocolate chip!)? I really love oatmeal raisin 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Crumbs Raspberry Hamentashen”

  1. Hmm I’ve never heard of that type of cookie! Anything fruit filled sounds good though, especially apple fritter doughnuts… yum.

    I’ve recently remembered how good M&M cookies are, especially when the M&M to cookie ratio is 1 to 1 🙂

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