Healthnuttxo 4 1/2 stars,Newman's Own Newman’s Own Lite Honey Mustard Dressing

Newman’s Own Lite Honey Mustard Dressing

I never was much of a salad person until recently. I always would rather eat something more substantial for a meal, like a protein with a veggie and a carb, rather than a salad. However, if paired correctly, a salad actually can be meal-worthy and quite satisfying. Plus…you get to eat croutons and really, who doesn’t like buttery salty and delicious croutons!?!? =)

So, I bought my salad, piled it high of greens and flavored chicken (um…and the croutons) and skipped buying dressing as well since I had this gem, the Newman’s Own Lite Honey Mustard Dressing waiting for me at home.  Here’s a close-up

Now- Honey mustard is usually either awesome, or not good at all. Some are way too spicy, some too tangy, and some have a weird aftertaste. Yet, there’s always a brand every now and then that’s actually quite good. So, I gave this one a try.

Let me tell you, one bite of lettuce coated in this dressing and I was hooked. Can you say- yummy!?!?

It was tangy, yet sweet. I actually checked how much sugar was in a serving, and it had 5 grams per 2 tbsp. which is a bit high in my opinion, but also explains the sweetness. I could really taste the honey, which paired with the tiny bit of salty flavor. This dressing was just so good! It had a little bit of tang from the mustard, but really not too tangy or spicy. In fact, it had the perfect level of spice to it. Although- I did get a forkful that had a LOT of dressing and I got a mild sensation in my nose which I’m assuming is from the mustard. (hey senses- time to wake up!!)

The consistency was impressive too. I find with light dressings sometimes they are very watery in texture. This one had a medium consistency, where it was thick yet still pourable and didn’t slide off all my lettuce and end up on the bottom of the place (pet peeve….).

Overall, definitely one of the best honey mustards I have ever had. So delicious. One thing to note is that it’s hard to NOT eat 2 servings. I used the dressing kind of sparingly and still ended up using about 56 grams, which is almost 2 full servings. Gotta watch out for that sodium and sugar- it creeps up! This gets 4.5 stars from me

What’s your favorite dressing?

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