Healthnuttxo 4 Star,EnjoyLife,Gluten Free,Snacks Enjoy Life Foods Plentils Crunchy Lentil Chips Margherita Pizza

Enjoy Life Foods Plentils Crunchy Lentil Chips Margherita Pizza

Something new- Plentils by Enjoy Life Foods! But what exactly is a plentil? They are crunchy lentil chips! Wait but where did the “P” come from.


Not sure. Moving on.

I got a few free bags of the chips from Enjoy Life Foods to try for free. First one up for review, Margherita Pizza. Why? Because it was 11pm, I wanted pizza, but did NOT feel like leaving the house. I was hoping these chips would suffice a pizza craving, as well as be delicious on their own!

First of all, these chips are soooo crunchy! I really liked that, as nothing’s worse than when a chip is more oily than crunch (you know what I’m talking about!) or the chip falls apart the second it hits your mouth (also not cool…). Nope! These were light and crisp, not oily at all, and almost had a toasty-crunchy feel to them.

They were very yummy and flavorful, and surprisingly, did remind me of pizza! The pentils had a saucy and cheesy flavor to them, with undertones of basil, garlic and onion. They also had a salty flavor that was really quite good.

Overall, I like these! Don’t forget these are gluten free as well! 4 stars

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2 thoughts on “Enjoy Life Foods Plentils Crunchy Lentil Chips Margherita Pizza”

  1. all your fault. As soon as I saw the close up pic, my mouth started to water. No kidding. Isn’t it amazing how the greedy mind operates?

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