A surprise awaited me the other day when I opened my door- a box of free goodies from Classic Foods! ...
Month: May 2012
AlternaVites Kids Strawberry Bubble Gum Quick-Melting Multivitamin & Mineral CrystalsAlternaVites Kids Strawberry Bubble Gum Quick-Melting Multivitamin & Mineral Crystals

Do you take a daily multi-vitamin? I must say, even though I generally have a good diet, I do take ...
Clif Builder’s S’mores Protein BarClif Builder’s S’mores Protein Bar

Another Builder’s Bar review! This time, the S’mores flavor. Who could really ever resist a S’more? Chocolate? Marshmallow? Graham crackers? ...
Earth Balance Crunchy Coconut & Peanut SpreadEarth Balance Crunchy Coconut & Peanut Spread

Something new!!!! Browsing for a new peanut butter to buy at Whole Foods ( at 2 jars a week, I’m ...
NuvoSport ProGelNuvoSport ProGel

Pro Gel. What’s that? Protein gelatin, perhaps? =D I know, I never saw/heard/thought of it before, but low and behold, ...