Healthnuttxo 3 Star,4 1/2 stars,4 Star,Drinks,Snacks Nutiva O’Coconut Coconut Treats and Numi Organic Tea

Nutiva O’Coconut Coconut Treats and Numi Organic Tea

I got some goodies!!! Nutiva sent me some yummy coconut treats to try, and Numi sent me a variety of some organic teas! I thought the idea was cute, since teas and “cookies” often are paired together 🙂

Let’s do the coconut treats first. These treats were individually packaged, and teeny! About a third of the size of my palm each. The hemp & chia coconut treat was yummy. It was lightly sweetened, but still had a nice sweet flavor to it. It reminded me of one of those macaroons you could buy at a bakery, but a lot less sweet. It was very soft, with a predominant coconut flavor, and a vanilla aftertaste. If you don’t enjoy piecy coconut consistency, this would not be for you! The little bite was also rather dense and chewy. As for chia or hemp flavor? I didn’t really detect much, but I wasn’t really complaining because it was still good. 4 stars.

Next up, the classic flavored. This one was also good. I found it to be a tad bit more dry than the other treat, but it wasn’t as flaky/piecy as the hemp & chia flavor. It was also dense and chewy, with a yummy vanilla flavor. I could definitely taste the cane sugar syrup that was used, or the tapioca syrup, but it wasn’t as if it was in excess to where it was gross. I am just familiar with those flavors, and thought it went nicely with the coconut. Overall, I liked it! 4 stars

Next up, the teas! To be fair, I did NOT sweeten any of them or add milk, etc. I had them straight up! First, the Jasmine Green tea. Gotta say, not my favorite. The Jasmine predominated the Green tea flavoring, and was quite strong. The smell was also quite strong, and it almost tasted exactly how Jasmine smells, if that makes sense. However, I passed this tea along to another tea lover, and she loved it, BUT she loves Jasmine. So, safe to say, you may enjoy this one as long as you like Jasmine. I wouldn’t drink it again, but it’s just not for me. Based on both of our ratings- 3 stars

Next, the Moroccan Mint! This one I thought I wouldn’t like, but really enjoyed! It was soothing, with a very faint minty flavor, almost like a peppermint. It was enjoyable, and reminded me of sleepytime tea with the flavoring. Like I said, the mint flavor, VERY subtle, so one a 1-10 scale, 10 being very minty, it was around 1.5. Which I liked! I thought it would be overpowering but was pleasantly surprised. 4.5 stars

Lastly, I got to try the Breakfast Blend Tea. I do not have a picture of this one, however, I can say it was also quite delicious.  I thought it might be harsh since it was a black tea, but it wasn’t at all. Not to say it was light in flavor, but it wasn’t bitter or overpoweringly strong. I let a friend try this one, and she ended up drinking the whole dang box on me! Guess she liked it 🙂 4 stars

OVERALL, enjoyable! Kudos to Nutiva and Numi. Now I have to ask, what is your favorite flavor of tea?

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