Alright! I got some goodies from Krush Nutrition to try out, including their Nutty by Nature Peanut Butter, made with whey protein, flax and chia, as well as their Krush Bars in Raw Cookie Dough and Birthday Cake flavor. Let’s begin!
Naturally (no pun intended), I started with the Nutty by Nature Peanut butter. Oh…it’s been a while for me and peanut butter. See, we are good friends…but he is evil, and I end up eating the whole jar in 3 days or so…BAD. So we argue and we fight and I’m mad, and then I don’t buy it for weeks, sadly pass by it on the shelves…and somehow he always comes back!
LOL. What can I say I love nut butter. Here’s what it looked like!
Mmmmm. You can see the baby chia seeds in there! I noticed everytime I ate the nut butter the top of it would have a slight oily residue, and underneath it was drier, but then if I left if overnight, it would go back to the same scenario. Which, I am not complaining, because oil is good for nut butter. Nut butter without oil = awful. Trust me…I’ve tried taking oil out of Natural peanut butter before. BAD idea…
Anyway, this peanut butter…ah-mazing. So good I had to keep it in my roommate’s room so I wouldn’t eat the whole dang thing in a few days (I wish I was kidding). It is sweet and creamy, but has some texture to it. You can taste the sweetener, but it’s good, it’s xylitol, and I can guarantee that because I am a diabetic and I know my sweeteners! However, only 2 grams of sugar, despite the sweet taste. I really, really loved this nut butter, dangerously good if I do say so myself.
You can tell there is something mixed in it, most likely the whey protein, but does not take away from the flavor at all. It gets a teeny bit pasty at the end of the jar, but I’ll choose my battles. This thing tastes like the inside of a Nutter Butter cookie. UGH! SO GOOD!
Moving on… Krush Bars! There are gluten free, protein bars, loaded up with fiber. The stats reminded me of a Quest bar, which I took a picture of below.
As you can see, low sugar, high fiber, the whole deal. 240 calories, which is kind of high, but these are natural bars so I will take it. Here is the Raw Cookie Dough bar up close
And…here is the Birthday Cake bar up close. CHECK THOSE SPRINKLES!!!
Let’s discuss. Both of these bars have a home-made feel…very soft, chewy, dense but not hard, authentic feel to them. Something that screams “hey, I wasn’t made in a huge factory. I was handmade”, which I kind of like. The Raw Cookie Dough was sweet, but semi muted in sweetness. I expected sweeter, seeing as cookie dough is sickeningly sweet (but, c’mon here Lisa, this is a PROTEIN version of cookie dough…not a tube of it…). There were a few chocolate chunks in the bar which were good, but again, not that sweet. This made sense, as the bar indicated there was no added sugar. There was a peanut butter undertone of flavor, which of course I enjoyed, and the overall flavor was nice. I felt it was missing something…but still a good bar. 3 1/2 stars
The Birthday Cake bar was delightful. The sprinkles added a nice touch and pop of color. It was sweet, but again semi muted in sweetness, and not sugary tasting. It was dense like a breakfast bar. It reminded me of a sweet treat or confection in a protein bar form. Not exactly screaming frosted ice cream birthday cake…maybe a less sweeter cake pop in bar form. With protein. However… the protein flavor was minimal, if not non-existent. I really enjoyed this bar. I wish I had another one. 4 stars
Overall…some good stuff from Pure Fitness Nutrition. I am mad because now I have to go buy more of that peanut butter. *sigh* It was too dang good! =]
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Sponsored, unbiased post. I received these items for free.

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